First Lesson Trial

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    We tried to make this collection as neatly organised as possible. The past papers are organised by year. In some cases there is only a marking guide available, in others the marking guide contains sample answers as well – we named the links as accurately as possible but please do let us know any errors. SACE Chemistry is a challenging course for most students to say the least, hopefully these past papers help!

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    What they say about our tutoring

    Mitchell is happy with the new tutor, thank you. Sean is a good communicator which makes Mitchell feel more relaxed thanks again.
    We are very happy with Sheetal. Timothy is making great progress and we are happy to continue. We will have Tim do his Navy test in a few weeks and if we need to do a bridging course we will ask Sheetal to tutor him with that as well.
    Ezy Math Tutoring Philosophy

    Our philosophy to teaching is based upon a firm belief that every child can succeed at maths or any other subject, given the proper encouragement, motivation and tools. We believe that a tutor’s …