First Lesson Trial

    How much tutoring does your child need?

    How much tutoring does your child need

    The Problem Revealed

    Give a man a fish; he will eat for a day. Teach a man to fish; he’ll eat for a lifetime. This famous proverb sums up our tutoring philosophy almost completely. We are aware that students are overwhelmed, year after year, with math classes that teach them how to get from the beginning of the problem to the end. They study enough to get through the next test, and forget everything before the end of the school day. It is because of this broken system that so many students are falling behind in math as they move to higher and higher grade levels. This leads to a low self-confidence and a continued negative attitude towards math.


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    Our Solution

    We approach education much differently. Specialist tutors break the cycle of inefficient teaching by showing students not just WHAT to study, but HOW to study. So many students go through their educational career without the tools to properly prepare for a test. A good tutor will watch and listen very carefully to what the student says and does, and cater their teaching to the way the student learns. We know education is not a one size fits all concept, which is why tutors personalise each strategy for each individual student. Your tutor should provide them with tricks and applications that make note taking easier, which makes organisation easier, which in turn makes it easier to study and comprehend the information at hand. The goal is not to get students TO the test; the goal is to get them THROUGH the test with confidence and PAST the test with even more confidence.  We strongly believe that every child can succeed with the right support, skill development, and the right kind of attention from a skilled and experienced tutor. A good tutor understands the vital roles parents play in the education of their children, which is why parents should expect regular open and honest communication from their tutor, they can expect to be listened to when they voice their concerns and are encouraged to play a role in their child’s progress. Students can expect to be allocated a tutor who works in a way that is best for the student, and with whom they can build a solid relationship. As in all relationships, sometimes two people don’t “click” and it is our goal to find the right tutor for every student. Most importantly, a “great” tutor is not enough. Each student needs the “right” tutor.  Not only have we engaged the best tutors available, but we use a highly effective data-driven process to match you with the “right” tutor for your needs, and we’re so confident that we offer a Good Fit Guarantee. If you don’t love your tutor after the first lesson, you won’t be charged.

    How it Started

    A mathematician started Ezy Math. Not someone who thinks they can kind of teach students. Not someone looking to make a few bucks starting their own business. But a maths enthusiast turned professional tutor. A professional tutor who realised there weren’t any companies in Australia that focused on the process of learning, studying and achieving instead of just quick tricks to get students through the next exam. Ezy Math Tutoring was born out of a love for maths, out of the belief that the experience of struggling with a problem but then solving it yourself is character building and confidence building; the skills one learns through that process can be vital in all aspects of life, not just in the classroom. It is also founded by a passion for showing students that they CAN succeed in maths, and even more than succeed, they can truly ENJOY it.

    What they say about our tutoring

    Connor has improved so much this year, his confidence, organization & overall results have come from a C to a A. I'm not going to do any tutoring through the holidays or for next year as I'm prepared for Connor to put everything into practice and hope that he can maintain his results without the tutoring. I have been happy with Ezymathtutoring and if Connor was to start to struggle again…
    Yes we are very happy with Alexander – Ruby is a hard task master but seems very comfortable with him and happy for him to keep coming back each week.
    Sam has been a fantastic tutor for Annalise, she has improved and was very proud of her end of year results at school.
    Aisling is great with Roger, she is strict yet fairand keeps him on his toes. Roger's passion for school has improve since having 1 on 1 sessions with Aisling.
    Very happy with the tutoring.
    Stefan is good and I am very happy with him.
    I would like to thank you for allowing me the opportunity to tutor this year. I have mentored a bunch of wonderful kids who have all made great improvements with their grades and work ethic. In addition, I have seen them become more and more confident with each lesson which has been incredibly rewarding.
    Just wanted to let you know that we have been super happy with Ben as a tutor for Callum.
    Thank you very much. Georgette was a great tutor for him.
    The tutoring is going quite well. We were really impressed with his proactive approach in asking for her naplan results and course outline from her teacher so he work in line with what she will be learning in class.
    Ezy Math Tutoring Philosophy

    Our philosophy to teaching is based upon a firm belief that every child can succeed at maths or any other subject, given the proper encouragement, motivation and tools. We believe that a tutor’s …