Build their confidence and prepare them before an exam. This personally was the most important thing for me prior to every exam as I would always enter panicked and feeling nauseous. After being tutored, I feel this is one of the most necessary and significant thing a tutor can do for a student. I am very patient and can attempt to explain a…
Be patient with them. They do not have the same experience that we have so it might be difficult for them to grasp or even explain what they don't understand but they will eventually be able to gain an understanding of it when you try explaining it to them from a different perspective - Patient
- Flexible in teaching styles and explains concepts…
Build their confidence in their weak areas - I will want to see all my students feel they can overcome challenges and difficulty in their work through my help and support.
I want my students to be inspired as I have been inspired by my teachers in the past, including when times were tough - to never give up on a student is essential.
Setting up Basics:
I think it is crucial for a tutor to cover the basics of any given concept before going into the more complex concepts.
Creating a good relationship with student:
If a relationship of mutual understanding is created where the student and teacher can bounce ideas of each other and the student feels appreciated, the…
The most important things I can do for a student is to support and understand the needs of each individual student as each student excels in different areas of each subject. By breaking difficult subjects down into basic components through simplifying and clarifying them, this will assist in building the students' interest towards studying in a…
The most important thing a tutor can do for a student is help him learn all the tools he needs to succeed on his own. My number one strength is having the passion for it. I really love what I teach and I truly want to deliver the material in the best way possible, which always helps me in achieving the desired aim. My second strength has to be my…
One of the most important things a tutor can do for a student is to tailor the lessons to fit the individual's needs, strengths and weaknesses.
Another essential aspect is to provide constructive feedback that allows the student to consistently grow and improve.
Finally, setting realistic academic goals and creating a plan to achieve them is…
The most important things a tutor can do for a student are listening carefully, being patient and identifying that not all students are the same. A strategy that may work wonders for one student could not be useful for another student. Being able to employ different strategies to different students is a key aspect of being a great tutor. My…
I believe that tutors need to be:
1. Honest as this helps to establish rapport and trust
2. Flexible as this means being willing to adjust techniques and approaches to meet the learning styles of the students
3. Be patient as learn not to show annoyance in your speech or body language
4. Be good listener as learn to pick up clues in your…
The most important thing to do for a student is to be supportive and patient when teaching them. We have all been there before. Always be kind. My greatest strength is that I am highly empathetic and I can put myself in my students shoes when they struggle in grasping a certain concept. I am very patient and can reassure them that I was once there…
I think the most important thing a tutor can do for a student is to have the ability to cater to their needs and build self esteem, especially when one method of learning isn’t working. This not only allows for the student to understand concepts in other ways
but also ensures and improves self esteem as often, students may fall behind from a…
Trying to bring out the best that a student can do; whether in grasping a concept, applying it or simply being able to explain it. Properly conveying the idea to each student according to their personal means of understanding because "you can't judge an elephant by its ability to…
A tutor is a guide to show the right path. Students might stumble a lot, but tutor should hold him up, stand by him and show the right direction. Never giving up on a student, looking for opportunities to advance their skill is what a tutor should always do. I try to explain things from the student's perspective. For example, a gamer might…
1) Creating a learning atmosphere suitable for the student's personality.
2) Giving good examples related to the topics being studied.
3) Asking students for any doubts/questions and clearing them.
4) Following a pace of studies which the student can handle. 1) Patience & Tolerance
2) Giving examples which match the student's capability.…
Building their confidence, making learning engaging, and providing the right tools and techniques to help them achieve their academic goals. Im patient, adaptable, and good at breaking down complex concepts into simpler terms. My tech background also helps me bring a structured approach to…
I think that students generally need a lot of support, and that a tutor should be able to provide an avenue through which a student is able to feel comfortable, supported and encouraged. I think that I’m good at connecting with students and building a relationship. I am a very enthusiastic person and I believe that lends itself to creating an…
What I consider to be most important a tutor can do for a student is providing them reassurance, building confidence, adapt to their learning style, an create a motivating environment for growth. I believe my strengths as a tutor include patience for the student, clear communication skills, and breaking down complex concepts in a way that is…
The most important thing is to make sure that the student has completely understood the concept. It is useless to move forward if they don't understand the basics. I am able to understand the thought process of a student and their weak points. This allows me to help construct their concepts from the base up and ensure they can solve any…
To guide students, about subject n about life too, Tell them how to live life, how to face difficulties, how to deal in bad situations I’m very kind with students, trustworthy for parents, I’m kind of happy n positive…
The most important thing as a tutor is to help students connect to what they are learning. It is the job of the tutor to differentiate instruction based on the learning preferences of the students. Further, a tutor reinforces what the students have been learning at school. I am a teacher with 15 years of teaching experience. My last school was…
Personally, the best thing a tutor can do for a student is change their perspective regarding their weak subjects, Mathematics in particular has always been a favorite of mine yet I have had students who used to start sweating whenever we pulled out the textbook. However, once they realized that Mathematics can actually be quite fun, their…
I am very happy with Rachel. She is very professional and her and Samantha have developed a good working relationship. Samantha has expressed to me that Rachel explains things really well and now she is understanding concepts she hadn't previously.
As you say it is hard to gauge the impact this early, however they seem to have a few laughs and Steve has said Jack is a lot faster in his response time. So that's progress considering Jack's willingness to begin extra learning was very poor. It didn't take more than 2 lessons for that to change. To date we are happy and are glad we didn't leave it any later, as it it the beginning of term I'm sure i will be getting feedback from Jack's teacher through the term on his improvement.I look forward to that. We want him to enjoy all lessons not dread the thought of attending classes. So far so good, Steve seems like a great match.
I just wanted to let you know how very happy we are with Tianna's tutor, Josephine. Josephine is so bubbly, easy going, very patient and great at teaching Maths and making it fun to learn. Tianna is quite taken with Josephine, has built a great rapport with her and has made huge progress with her algebra in the short while Josephine has been tutoring her. Josephine is definitely a great asset to your company and we are so happy she is Tianna's tutor