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Getting through 12 grades of school has its challenges. From actually passing exams to building intellectual independence to figuring out what to do after high school's over. Everyone can remember some of the hurdles that came up during the school years of their life.
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Getting through 12 grades of school has its challenges. From actually passing exams to building intellectual independence to figuring out what to do after high school's over. Everyone can remember some of the hurdles that came up during the school years of their life. We have 59 English tutors in Bayswater available to help your child overcome some of those hurdles. Private tutoring is all about a tailored approach, so whether your child needs to overcome some confidence issues, develop a study plan, prepare for exams or comprehend some specific trouble topics, we're here to help. And, what helps the most is having a good student-tutor fit, it's really a core ingredient that determines whether tutoring will help your child in the way you want.
So how does it all work?
The tutoring is done in your home at a time and day that is convenient. We want you to be super happy with your English tutor so the first lesson works as a trial: don't like it = don't pay for it. No extra charges, booking costs, cancellation fees, minimum requirements or anything of that sort. Pay for the tutoring time used at the end of each month based on a simple hourly rate. That's all!