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Private maths tutors that come to you in person or online
Tutoring in Oatley and Hurstville Grove and other surrounding suburbs Connells Point, Mortdale, Kyle Bay, Penshurst, South Hurstville
in staying concentrated and working through harder math questions
work on his reading and writing skills practice reading more books at home!
in understanding how a clock works and how to read it
practice reading a analog clock till it becomes second nature
attempting to learn the new content and revising previous lessons content
in revising the work he does in class and staying dedicated to english writing
in revising his content from the week before, especially the spelling words.
in maintaining knowledge regarding previous math lessons and improvement in his reading comprehension ability and process of elimination.
Recent Tutoring Comments:
in staying concentrated and working through harder math questions
in staying concentrated and working through harder math questions
work on his reading and writing skills practice reading more books at home!
in understanding how a clock works and how to read it
in understanding how a clock works and how to read it
practice reading a analog clock till it becomes second nature
attempting to learn the new content and revising previous lessons content
attempting to learn the new content and revising previous lessons content
in revising the work he does in class and staying dedicated to english writing
in revising his content from the week before, especially the spelling words.
in revising his content from the week before, especially the spelling words.
in maintaining knowledge regarding previous math lessons and improvement in his reading comprehension ability and process of elimination.