We are very happy with everything and things are going well. James is a great tutor and my son has been very comfortable and getting a lot out of the tutoring every week.
Where maths were a source of major stress and anxiety before, Georgia has helped my child feel more confident and at ease. She is patient and explains things clearly, makes it fun and relevant.
We are over the moon with the choice of tutor, Geoff Fawcett, for our son Cruz. We weren't sure at first because we had never had a Maths tutor before but he walked in with a big smile on his face and blew us away with his offbeat personality and has bonded with us really well. It has only been a few weeks but we are hoping that Cruz will continue to make progress over time. Cruz is really interested and responds well to Geoffs style of teaching.
Geoffs big smile and engaging personality had us hooked from the first time he walked through our door. His style of teaching really connects with Cruz as he makes Maths interesting for him and we are really looking forward to seeing the progress he will make in the future. Totally recommend Geoff to anyone with a child who is struggling in Maths.