The most important thing a tutor can do for a student is to build their full confidence. Knowledge can bring confidence and strength to a person. It would be their foundation to trust themselves, be confident, be happy and be satisfied with their lives.
We as tutor our extended parents of the students. A person they can depend and rely on. My…
First of all, empathy so student never feels uncomfortable about not knowing a topic. Secondly, the ability to listen is as important as explaining things, so I'll be able to understand their point of view on a specific problem/subject. And, of course, the knowledge the tutor provides will be a main achievement and a perfect indicator of progress.…
I think the most important thing a tutor can do is to teach a student how to pursue their own studies, that is, if I can teach a student how to study without the need for a tutor, that's worth more than tutoring them the whole year and it will serve them well for the rest of their life.
An excellent tutor will keep their students motivated and…
It is important to build a relationship with the student and to always guide them but not push them to their limits. It is also important that the student understands how its done, while having them memorise a pattern is easy, allowing them to understand how to solve these types of questions will allow them to apply their solution to more things.…
First be a good listener and then let student to explain their point of view, and then explain the chapter or as per course Patience, and can make them learn…
The tutor should understand his subject matter to be able to deliver complicated ideas to the students simply and concisely. If the tutor cannot do so, he should further his knowledge of that subject matter. I love to use descriptive and outside the box methods to understand mathematical concepts. Because school teaching is restrict by time, the…
Indulging self in creating and to cultivate an academic surroundings in their respective place by setting high, but not impossible, expectations for the students. Include new ideas and teaching methods if he/she do not grab the same conventional way. Pushing them to achieve higher standards and ensure they will eventually get there by praise.Some…
Making the student believe that Knowledge is Power. Understand and identify where exactly the student is struggling or facing difficulties. Also making sure that the student is in the right headspace at the time of studying is equally important. Firstly, I try and understand the current progress of the student. I believe in making the person…
The most important thing a tutor can do for a student is to impart knowledge and let them grow. Also, tutors need to be patient when it comes to teaching students. The greatest strength I have as a tutor is patience. I am calm & patient with kids which helps me to build a great rapport with them. Also, as a teacher it's important to listen to…
A tutor can change a student's perspective towards studies and make difficult subjects easy for them. Thereby boosting a student's confidence in the subject, which enables them to further share this knowledge with fellow classmates when they have a difficulty. I am very patient and willing to explain the concepts again and again with examples till…
I think the most important things for a tutor is to make sure the student knows how there education will be valuable for adulthood. Also for tutors to be able to adapt for there students needs and learning styles, and also make sure the lessons are a mixture of tutors teaching and students asking and answering questions. I think I am reliable,…
I think the most important a tutor can do for a student is instill confidence in them which will allow them to flourish in any subject no matter how hard it is. There are many ways to help a student become more confident such as explaining difficult concepts to them or showing them how to go about difficult questions and I find it to be a quality…
As a teacher the first and foremost thing is to have patience. If your student is not in their comfort zone while they are learning no matter how good your grades are a student you can't be a good teacher.i always put myself in the student's place first and then I act like the teacher. Because only then i can understand how shall my approach be.…
I think its their ability to motivate students is very important, by giving them a different perspective. I am easy talk to and very understandable, taking the time to explain difficult concepts it in a way that a student is familiar with is easy! Also as I have just graduated in 2022, I am very familiar with test structures and content throughout…
To be support and attentively listen in order to empathise with them and then help them where they want it Friendly, passionate and resilient. I want to make a difference just as I have had excellent tutors make a difference for…
The goal of a tutor is to help the students gain confidence in their subject and help the student with their grades. It is important a tutor is able to help a student gain enjoyment from the subject so that they are inspired and happy to continue to study when the tutor is not around. My greatest strengths are in tutoring English. I am able to…
Illustrating the solution, explaining with the right examples, respecting everyone's views and value every question however simple it maybe. Making the discourse interesting and interactive. These are the most important things a tutor must deliver while teaching students. Simplifying complex topics with day to day examples is what I do. I will not…
As i was mentoring students at Curtin i got to realise that being a form of support not only academically but also forming a relationship with the student is the most important thing a tutor can do.
Providing room for human connection and cheering the student on . I am often described as an observant and good listener, which allows me to…
The most important thing a tutor should be able to do for a student is to help them understand the content that they are required to learn, to break it down in such a way that it is easier to digest, learn, and retain. My interpersonal skills are the biggest strength of mine as a tutor, I get along extremely well with a wide range of people, kids…
A tutor should try to make the circumstances for learning the students easily. The main factor depends on the tutor albeit subject topics can be easy or difficult. I have the communication and problem solving abilities to realize the situation of the students so that they can learn with enjoyment. Additionally, I can understand the mental…
You have to teach according to the students. Your main motive is to teach them. So change your pace and methods according to students. Try easy methods first. I can make learning easy. I always choose the easiest method to teach a…
Encourage them! Sometimes the issue isn't in the difficulty of the concept, but that they don't believe in themselves. I believe bringing the right attitude of positive reinforcement can really make a difference as well as demonstrating a ton of examples, so the student can establish a pattern. I believe everyone can be good at Maths. It just…
Kicking myself for not starting tutor earlier! It would have helped tremendously with Jayden's studies and being able to work independently!
We had the first session with Nick today and he was fantastic! He focused on the right areas and really engaged with Yvette....I think we are on the right track.
Tabinder has made Leon come a long way in the last 2 weeks and he is quite proud of his achievements.