Christopher is enjoying the tutoring very much. He is already feeling more confident which is great for his self esteem. Melika is engaging whilst still being professional and is a great match.
We are very happy with our tutor Pradeep. He was brilliant! He helped my daughter with math’s test preparation. He explained everything fast and clear. It was a lot of things to cover, but he did it so well. Moreover, my daughter got 90% in her recent maths test thanks to Pradeep.
Dulara was just beautiful with her. Oli was a bit nervous at first but Dulara made her feel comfortable and by mid way through I could hear them laughing. Dulara was so encouraging and was really helping her to understand what she needed to do.
She is fantastic! It was amazing to see the calming influence she had on Max as she patiently stepped him through learning maths. She is astute and quickly understood his capabilities and suggested to me simple steps for how we can focus on bringing him up to speed. I'm delighted.
My daughter connected with Mahad very quickly. Mahad's approach is very clean and considerate of the student's abilities, weaknesses and strengths. We would highly recommend Mahad to any parent who appreciates structured teaching approach.