Help them achieve their goals. It isn't about getting the highest marks, it's about improving and feeling good about going into tests and exams and feeling confident you know the material. Being able to complete tests to the best of your ability is always the main goal. Slow and detailed explanations of the topic. I'm really good at going in depth…
To be a good tutor, I feel like you need to be personally connected with your students. Each student has their own unique situation whether it be family or academic and as a tutor, you must be able to work with what your students have. After all, I believe that is the role of a tutor; to help students build upon what they have and then help them…
Provide them with attentive 1 on 1 help with their struggles in the tutored subject. I think I also have to help them improve their grades and make them feel the subject becomes easier to an extent. I am patient and take time to prepare for lessons. I try to find creative ways of explaining a topic and like to reflect on my explanations in my own…
Just make the student learn about the things and boost their level of knowledge on the subjects they find difficult. Create the best environment for the students to learn something new. I am masters graduate and I have been working as Tution tutor since…
I think an important role tutor must be able to do is to be able to adaptable in their teaching style to cater to the needs of students. Additionally being relatable and exploring how this knowledge can be expanded to world wide applications. I believe tutors need to make strong relationships with both students in order for them to feel…
Being able to listen to what the student thinks and needs is the best way to understand the situation and therefore opt for the best path to follow. I tend to be patient and understanding of different people needs so that tutoring is not only delivering information in a one sided way, but more of a cooperative…
Be patient with them. They do not have the same experience that we have so it might be difficult for them to grasp or even explain what they don't understand but they will eventually be able to gain an understanding of it when you try explaining it to them from a different perspective - Patient
- Flexible in teaching styles and explains concepts…
In my point of view, students and tutors must be like a friends so that tutor can teach and student can learn easily. Similarly, every tutor needs to be prepared before they enter in classroom to teach because it will help tutors to express their views in such a way that students can learn and understand easily. Friendly, Responsible,
Teaching in…
Not give the answers but help support the learning process and give guidance when the child needs it most. There is a difference between doing all the work for the child and actually teaching how the problem can be approached and observing how the student does it him/herself. If the child is stuck on a concept, it is my responsibility to help the…
A tutor can customise personalised learning methods for different students, in order to maximise the efficiency of teaching. I consider that a tutor can impact a student's passion towards knowledge through his/ her personal enthusiasm for teaching.
Another important thing a tutor can do for a student is to provide studying strategies before…
I believe a tutor can uplift the confidence of a student by encouraging him/her every step of the way which will benefit the students in their future. I would say breaking down a complex matter into a simpler solution so that the concept is easier to grasp for the students. Making the lessons easier by using storytelling as examples when the…
In my opinion, the most important thing a tutor can do for a student is to personalise their learning in order to teach to the student’s strengths and minimise their weaknesses. I believe that different students have different learning styles and study techniques that work for them, and it is important that this is catered to in the students…
The most important thing is to empower the student. The best thing would be to help them understand how their own minds work, how their own (unique) learning process works- that can make them unstoppable. My long chain of experience.
My passion for empowering minds.
And my ability to explain difficult concepts in many different ways for many…
In my opinion, a teacher must always be willing to learn those concepts for his students which they want to know.
Also , a teacher must even provide them with some learning methods so that they can get grasp over any topic easily. Moreover, a teacher must always motivate a student and help him to think out of a box. Apart from that, teacher can…
The most important thing as a tutor is acknowledging their strength and weaknesses and using them to improve their academic skills. Also allowing the students to know that it's ok to make mistakes, that's why tutors are here to help. Easy to communicate and open to any type of conversations. I can break things down into primary school language to…
Give guidance where needed and help them to enjoy learning instead of it feeling like a mundane task. I am a positive and motivating individual who has lots of experience in teaching children of all ages academically, and teaching how to swim. I have patience and the ability to adapt to suit the needs of the students and am able to keep them…
The most important thing a tutor can do for a student is to be present and engage with them to show that their care and putting 100% effort into the student. I am a very patient person, who is great at guiding students to an answer to help build their confidence in areas they have difficulties…
I believe being relatable and also applying a deeper understanding of the content, is the most important thing a tutor can do to get the best out of a student. I have patience and have a calm personality. I am very motivating and have a passion for transforming learning into real life…
Show commitment, whether its through showing up on time, or taking some of your spare time at home to mark their work. Also to support and encourage the individual to achiever their very best. I can explain a concept in many different ways, so if the student doesn't understand, I can easily explain in other ways until they get it. I can also adapt…
I think that a tutor shouldn't just rote teach a student problems so that they can pass exams, this leads to little useful learning on the students part. I think a tutor's most important job is to teach the student problem-solving strategies/learning methods as well as thoroughly work through the in's and out's of the content; alongside problems…
A tutor must be able to develop and understand a student. A student will need to understand the concept themselves and it is our job to assist them to understand any issues that arise in their development. To put it simply, tutors are guides and the student is the captain. Therefore we must be able to resonate with each student and treat each one…
I believe that establishing the foundations of problem solving and critical thinking is the most important thing, as this provides the skills for students to identify how to approach unfamiliar question formats with readiness and confidence. I think my positive attitude and enthusiasm for learning helps students to feel comfortable asking…