I believe that a tutor is also a friend as much as they are a mentor throughout the learning journey of the student. This role entails being able to offer support, celebrate victories, encourage that passion to learn, and being able to help students see challenges as their opportunities for growth. I have always made sure to adapt to each…
I think it is most important to encourage students and be extremely patient with their learning. Building a positive relationship with them will also make sure they feel comfortable to ask questions. My strengths are supporting students in every way I possibly can, and understanding that each student has diverse needs that must be facilitated to…
I think it is most important for tutors to help students gain confidence in their own abilities regarding school work as this will help them succeed in life. As someone who has also struggled with school when I was younger and has informally tutored other, I think I am an empathetic and patient…
- communication, trust and team work. communication is not only important for the teaching aspect of tutoring but i would like my student to be confident enough in me such that they can voice out their doubts and concerns to me. trust is important in making sure that they are able to confide in me and team work because if they cooperate with me…
The most important thing is for the tutor to make sure the student feels comforatble during the session. Secondly, a tutor is there is help the student find confidence within themselves within that subject, to the point where the student is willing and wants to try for themselves. I try to instil this through positive encouragement. Thirdly, to…
The most important thing a tutor can do is create a safe, encouraging space where students feel comfortable asking questions and making mistakes. It's crucial to not only help students understand the material but also to build their confidence and show them that they are capable of solving problems on their own. Providing the right level of…
The most important thing a tutor can do is make sure they don't generalize their teaching across all students. Every student has their own strengths/ weaknesses and their own ways of learning and it is important for a tutor to recognize and build upon that so they reach their potential. I am incredibly patient and my passion for what I teach is…
I think one of the most important things a tutor can do is be encouraging towards a student; often students get tutoring in a subject they are struggling in and are already mentally finding it difficult so it is critical a tutor positively encourages them and reminds them of their improvement. It is also very important a tutor listens to the…
In math a tutor should focus on elaborating on important factors and teaching students how to apply their knowledge to different scenarios.
In English, helping students weave new concepts into their writing and become familiar with the basics of strong english. I am friendly, easy to work with, knowledgeable on the subjects I can tutor, able to…
I think the most important things that you can give a student is confidence in their ability, willingness to ask questions and discipline to study. I am patient, observent and dedicated to my jobs. My weaknesses are that I am new to being a tutor, and a tendency towards…
Help them improve their grade so they can reach their goals. I used to be bad at mathematics to begin with so I can predict where a student might have problems and prepare a way to help them beforehand. I am also a people person thus I am quite comfortable interacting in one on one…
A tutor's most important responsibility is to assist students in developing their skills by engaging them, encouraging them and instilling their students with confidence. Support, clear and consistent instruction, and adaptability to different ways of learning are crucial to ensure students feel secure and are able to reach their potential. Belief…
Help them understand things in their way and find or make a method their own. A tutor can't impose a method on anyone, but has to help them learn in a method suited just for the individal. I am extremely patient and am good at explaining a concept in multiple…
A tutor should illuminate the skills, information and methodology on which academic excellence is predicated, thus enabling students to undertake work with confidence and awareness. The communication of this guidance -- and the guidance itself -- should be tailored to the individual's own needs. I am perceptive, patient, and good at articulating…
I consider the most important thing a tutor can for a student is to lead them on a path so that they might discover the answer themselves, and not give them the answer straight out. As a trained facilitator, I believe I would be able to identify my student's needs and work with them to fulfill those needs. I also have a proficiency in written…
Have patience and understanding of the needs of a student. Be able to answer a students questions in a way that makes them not think their questions are stupid, and encourage them to continue asking questions to build their confidence. I have good communication skills and patience which is important for explaining concepts. I am kind and…
The most important thing a tutor can do for a student is to empower the individual to believe they can do it. This requires inspiring growth and motivation, as you cannot force someone to learn but only encourage one to try their best. To me, a student's best is always something to be celebrated and from here, I provide support and aid when the…
To actually teach them, not just give answers or aid them in 'rope learning' I am fantatic with children, having experieince by being a member of the Silver Blades Figure skating club and previous work, where I was a manager of two people, one 15 and another…
The personalisation of learning is the most important thing I consider a tutor can do for their student. There is no one-size-fits-all study skills as every students have different interests and strengths. Therefore, I believe it is important to truly incorporate their interests and maximise their strengths in tutoring, for the students to build…
A tutor will ideally be able to give a student confidence, knowledge, an understanding of why learning is important, and hopefully some sense of enjoyment of the learning process. I understand the importance of being able to break down and explain concepts to a student in a way that THEY can understand. I know that there is a big difference…
Provide them with excellence knowledge and teach them like really they want them to become sucessful not only for getting the pay at the end of the day. I believe as a tutor i can easily engage the student in learning i can develop self confidence in the students so they dont hesitate to ask me any question when they are stuck . I usually…
My experience with ezymaths was one like a rollercoaster that ended on a high note. What's special about ezymaths is that you will find support and there will be teaching material and teaching strategies available if you get stuck. Overall, as a tutor, you will learn a lot more than you will expect.
For establishing tutors, Ezy Math provides a solid support base to springboard them into the market. Not only does it take out the stress of sourcing and securing clients, but the CEP modules ensure the constant engagement of the learning styles of the tutor, and make it clear that all manner of support is available for those who need it. This programme really sets Ezy Math apart from other services, and allows tutors to blossom into confident, experienced mentors.
The in-home service really does provide a unique experience for clients, which they truly appreciate. It also helps to make a clear distinction in students' minds between the lessons offered at school, to the very different style of education tutors have to produce.
For all prospective tutors, Ezy Math is a great way to grow comfortable within the industry. Through the guidance of Ezy Math it has been a joy to watch students develop a real confidence because of my tutelage.
I just wanted to express my thanks to you and my son's tutor Sam. With his assistance Grady improved his maths results from virtually failing the subject to achieving a very respectable B + for his end of year 11 final grade. Sam was personable and patient, encouraging and motivating. Even though my son has decided not to continue studying maths in year 12 , I am delighted with the results he was able to achieve ,and the confidence and self- belief he attained. Please pass these comments on to Sam. Again, thank you so much.
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