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The student experience can be a tough one. From developing intellectual confidence to figuring out what you want to do after school. Everyone can usually remember the frustrations that plagued them during the school years of their life. We have 297 maths tutors in Lane Cove, NSW who can alleviate some of those frustrations for your child.
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The student experience can be a tough one. From developing intellectual confidence to figuring out what you want to do after school. Everyone can usually remember the frustrations that plagued them during the school years of their life. We have 297 maths tutors in Lane Cove, NSW who can alleviate some of those frustrations for your child. Maybe they just need a bit of a boost, or maybe they need a strategic plan to ace their exams, leaving no stone unturned. A home maths tutor will get to know your child's needs and learning style and help in a tailored and supportive way.
So how does it work?
The tutoring is done in your home or any other location you opt for. The first tutoring session works as a trial to ensure you're actually happy with the person coming over. If not, feel free to try someone else - getting the right fit is crucial. The cost structure is based on a simple hourly rate with no additional fees or minimum requirements of any sort.
Just fill in the form or give us a call at 1300 312 354 & we'll organise a trial lesson for your child. Ezy!