It takes a lot to do well in biology. Moving up the curriculum can be a challenge and if students don't jump in with both feet it's easy to fall behind.
Catching up while others move on to a completely different area can cause a serious drop in motivation.
the most important things a tutor can do for a student are provide academic guidance, human connection, and consistency, and the combination of these factors can potentially reinvent a class or subject my strength are patience and communication with the pupil. I've great understanding of other people's feelings so I'm able to empathise with them…
The tutor needs to care about the student's learning. They need to understand the way each student learns best and mould their pedagogy to fit the student. The tutor needs to be able to recognise consistency in errors so that they can make the student aware of where they are going wrong and can help fix it. The tutor also needs to be patient and…
I believe a tutor is all about being able to be the middle man between teachers and students. They are able to act in a professional manner but also can individually suit the needs of a specific student. In doing this tutors are able to fill in those missing links and hopefully create a sense of confidence in students that they might otherwise…
A tutor needs to listen to a student, to understand what the best methods of learning will be, and needs to adapt their teaching to work for any student, rather than just forcing a student into a single mindset. I explain things very carefully, with multiple ways of looking at something, so I am quite flexible in trying to work with a student. I…
Encouraging students on questions they find difficult and nudging them in the right direction to solve problems so they can do it by themselves without requiring help. A tutor also needs to be reliable, so the student can go to them for help when they need it. I am patient, have a positive attitude towards helping others and can explain things in…
The biggest thing would be to help students understand that ignorance is not failure. Just because they don't know something "basic", that does not mean they are worse than others, or are stupider, or are not going to succeed. It simply means they were not taught in a way that makes sense to them. This could be for a number of reasons, and not…
A tutor should not just be present to give the student all the answers. Its about building confidence and understanding the student’s way of thinking in order to help them grasp concepts and overcome their academic difficulties. Its about taking on a leadership and mentor role so that you can guide your student, and making them feel comfortable…
Making a student as confident as possible is the upmost important aspect of tutoring in my mind. This is because, no matter how many hours are spent studying, if a student is not confident within themselves, in exam settings they will constantly doubt themselves and make avoidable mistakes. Therefore, building students confidence is the most…
In my experience there are parts of courses that a student can not or would not understand on their own, however through my assistance to understand road blocks in course content and as a result help resolve and navigate them to me is the most important aspect of the job. I can explain course content in a manner students would find engaging and…
Promote an excitement to learn. I think if a tutor can make the students feel motivated by the learning process, the content of their subjects becomes easier to digest and contextualise I am an excellent communicator, allowing me to understand the roadblocks that a student may be facing in their learning. I also believe my personal relationship…
-Be someone that they can easily approach with questions or concerns
-Be able to teach the topic or subject with clarity
-Encouraging students when they have successfully mastered a skill or improved
-Enhance their passion for the subject -Excellent listener
-Extremely approachable
-Willing to try multiple methods of teaching in order to…
Mohammad is fantastic. He puts in a great deal of effort to motivate Matthew. He comes prepared and ready to teach.
Jane is doing a fantastic job communicating and breaking things down for Chelsea.
I have got to say that Miles is absolutely perfect. Besides being prompt and all that, his explanations are so good that Roland shares them with his school friends to enable them to understand tricky concepts in class. They inevitably will say “Oh, I understand now!” He is making Maths Methods manageable.