I believe the most important thing that a tutor can do for a student is to be a great role-model. It is not only about teaching the content, but most importantly being a positive influence. My career goal whether it is engineering or teaching is to contribute to people in need so that they feel a sense of confidence and fulfilment in what they do.…
The most important thing a tutor can do for a student is not only developing his academics skills but how the tutor encourage student to do more beyond his limit. It is important for the student to have discipline and enjoy the entire session. It should be fun, information, and enjoyable for both the tutor and student. This is to develop…
Ensuring that every student understands each subject and providing a safe learning environment for all students. strong communication skills, dedication, commitment and problem-solving…
A tutor should be able to install the foundational concepts to a student because having so will allow the student to understand even complicated things. I am well-spoken and love to engage with kids. I am also patient, creative and passionate about…
Bring positive change in their lives.
Help them in overcoming hurdles that hinders their success.
Assist them in creating the society they want to live in. Sensitivity and adaptability
The aforementioned factors are the need of this rapidly evolving society. it doesn't matter how academically qualified a person is, unless, he/she have the…
Providing a differentiated and personalised support modified to suit students learning needs, fostering a positive and encouraging learning environment, and building confidence in their abilities and learning. Giving students a chance to feel success in their learning. My strengths is to differentiate according needs, strong communication skills,…
I think helping students understand how to approach a question and learning how to discipline themselves is the most important. Constantly reminding them to complete their homework so we can go over their mistakes next time is also important in establishing a routine and will hopefully give them an incentive to do the same with school. I believe I…
Trying to bring out the best that a student can do; whether in grasping a concept, applying it or simply being able to explain it. Properly conveying the idea to each student according to their personal means of understanding because "you can't judge an elephant by its ability to…
The most important thing a tutor can do for a student is help him learn all the tools he needs to succeed on his own. My number one strength is having the passion for it. I really love what I teach and I truly want to deliver the material in the best way possible, which always helps me in achieving the desired aim. My second strength has to be my…
helping students in getting a better understanding on the areas they think they need more help in, and motivating students in trying their ultimate best. Tutoring is about implementing study skills, strengthen subject comprehension, boost students confidence while building learning skills. - My strengths are my communication skills
- My ability…
I consider the most important thing a tutor can do for a student is to be fully committed to them while fully giving the student their attention while teaching. Furthermore, I believe that a tutor has to prepare themselves very well before a lesson and bring multiple techniques with them in order to make sure that the student can fully grasp an…
The most important thing to do for a student is to be supportive and patient when teaching them. We have all been there before. Always be kind. My greatest strength is that I am highly empathetic and I can put myself in my students shoes when they struggle in grasping a certain concept. I am very patient and can reassure them that I was once there…
The most important thing for a tutor is to adapt their teaching style according to each student as the same method will not work for everyone. This will ensure that each student can understand and feel confident. Some of my strengths include being patient and communicative with the students and also their parents. I believe it is important to…
The most important things I can do for a student is to support and understand the needs of each individual student as each student excels in different areas of each subject. By breaking difficult subjects down into basic components through simplifying and clarifying them, this will assist in building the students' interest towards studying in a…
I believe the most important thing a teacher can do is build a student's confidence while helping them discover their strengths and passions, fostering both growth and a love for learning. I have over two years of experience teaching preschool and primary students in English, Science, and Math. Right now, I’m taking my Master of Education, which…
I think the most important thing a tutor can do for a student is to help them not only build the skills they need for the subject they're being tutored in, but also to build the skills to be confident of themselves within it as well. From my experience being tutored both in maths and for an instrument, that was something my tutors helped me with,…
Tailoring teaching to the student's needs, helping them develop good study habits, but more importantly, making them feel comfortable and helping them believe that anyone can achieve anything, by giving them positive reinforcement. Having just left school I have a good understanding of the curriculum as well as the pressure on students today . I…
I believe the three most important things I could do for a student is academic support, addressing study habits and confronting weaknesses. I believe focusing on these three aspects will do the upmost for the student in the short and long term. I’ve grown up and worked with people from across the socio-economic spectrum, I think I have a…
In my opinion, a teacher must always be willing to learn those concepts for his students which they want to know.
Also , a teacher must even provide them with some learning methods so that they can get grasp over any topic easily. Moreover, a teacher must always motivate a student and help him to think out of a box. Apart from that, teacher can…
The most important thing a tutor can do for a student is to really understand who they are, including their abilities, weaknesses and strengths. From this knowledge, the teacher can provide them with the right scaffolding to help support the child and their learning needs. The tutor must be able to relate to the student so they may be able to…
Understand the students needs, and be able to connect with them positively so that they are able to get the most out of the tutor. Communication skills to younger students, as well as being able to apply topics or areas of study to real world situations to help a student understand it…
I think the two most important things that a tutor can do for a student is tailoring their teaching approach to match the students learning style and pace. I also think it's extremely important to create a positive learning environment for the students so that they feel supported and encouraged to learn and ask questions. I am able to adapt well…
The most important thing a tutor can do for a student is identify their individual needs; Every student is unique and has different learning styles, strengths, and weaknesses.
I think it is key to identify their individual needs and tailor your teaching style and strategies accordingly. I believe that I have a strong understanding of the…
Rahul is an amazing tutor. He uses very effective techniques to help my daughter be confident in Maths a subject she struggles with. Thank you for sending him because he is absolutely fantastic.
We find Stephen to be a fabulous tutor and of great assistance to David in maths!
I am very happy with Erin's progress, Cassie has been a great help and she communicates with Erin well , which has seen Erin progressing to a higher grade.