Basel is a dedicated tutor with extensive experience in teaching both Mathematics and English to students from kindergarten through year 12. His background as a Teaching Assistant has equipped him with the skills to help students excel, including those tackling complex subjects like calculus and matrix algebra. Known for his ability to personalise learning plans and achieve notable student improvements, Basel ensures that every child reaches their full potential.
This tutor has a proven history of helping students achieve academic excellence. One of his notable achievements includes assisting a year 5 student to become the highest achiever in their school for advanced mathematics topics. Basel''s one-on-one tutoring approach has also enabled students struggling with trigonometry to secure impressive marks, demonstrating his capability to turn challenges into triumphs.
Basel excels not only in teaching but also in maintaining open lines of communication with parents. He regularly meets with parents to discuss their children''s progress and develop tailored improvement plans. His approachable nature ensures that parents are well-informed and involved in their child''s educational journey, fostering a supportive environment for academic growth.