What do I enjoy most about tutoring? 😁
I like teaching kids new words and assisting students with basic writing.
My Strengths as Tutor 💪
I am friendly, comfortable, passionate and caring. I love helping kids like myself build a strong foundation from a young age. I believe it all starts in primary school.
Most important things I can do for a student 🏅
To be patient with their learning. Not everyone learns at the same pace and it is important for a tutor to acknowledge that.
Subjects Tutored 🎓
Exam Prep 📝
Tutoring students in 👦 👧
- year 1
- year 2
- year 3
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- year 5
- year 6
- year 7
- year 8
- year 9
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Recent Tutoring Comments:
was fast at learning how to add and subtract double digits
was fast at learning how to add and subtract double digits
Shaleen needs improvement in spelling and handwriting
was fast at learning how to add and subtract double digits
was fast at learning how to add and subtract double digits
Shaleen needs improvement in spelling and handwriting
Shaleen was fast at learning how to add and subtract double digits
Shaleen was fast at learning how to add and subtract double digits
Shaleen needs improvement in spelling and handwriting
Hand writing is fluent and neat and engagement to the lesson was consistent and attentive
Hand writing is fluent and neat and engagement to the lesson was consistent and attentive
Varnit needs improvement in writing formal sentences and fluency within his writing. He also needs improvement on understanding the content he may be reading and being able to understand the meanings behind certain words