Graduating in 2024 with an exceptional ATAR of 98.90, this tutor has demonstrated a commitment to academic excellence. He achieved a study score of 45 in Mathematical Methods and excelled in Specialist Maths, Economics, Japanese, English, and Business Management. These achievements reflect not only his subject expertise but also his ability to master complex concepts and succeed across a variety of disciplines. Now, he is striving for a Bachelors Degree.
This tutor is deeply passionate about helping students achieve their goals and reach their full potential. While new to tutoring, he brings a fresh, enthusiastic perspective to teaching. He is dedicated to creating a tailored and supportive learning environment, making complex ideas accessible and helping students build confidence in their abilities.
With a flexible schedule, this tutor is available after school on weekday and on weekends. He understands the demands of busy student schedules and is committed to providing consistent, high-quality support. Whether itβs ongoing academic assistance or intensive exam preparation, he aims to make each session both effective and engaging.
Recent Tutoring Comments:
He was able to efficiently apply knowledge and concepts learnt from previous forms of graphs onto the "gallery of graphs". He had little to no trouble finding ...
He was able to efficiently apply knowledge and concepts learnt from previous forms of graphs onto the "gallery of graphs". He had little to no trouble finding asymptotes, dilating and transforming new graphs
As today we mostly covered new content, I am impressed with how he handled learning about new graphs and the concepts tied with them.
I discussed with his mother, he can remember answers to questions, but can struggle to apply thinking to maths questions.
I discussed with his mother, he can remember answers to questions, but can struggle to apply thinking to maths questions.
His focus persists as an issue that needs to be worked on
He took on board many CAS shortcuts I taught him last week and remembered them, and used them efficienctly, saving time when doing CAS questions. He finally ...
He took on board many CAS shortcuts I taught him last week and remembered them, and used them efficienctly, saving time when doing CAS questions. He finally remembered and mastered sketching inequalities.
He is working very hard and I am noticing lots of improvement, he might need some brushing up on the remainder theorem as I notice he forgets to use it quite often and can sometimes not recognise that that is the required skill in a problem
We marked his homework that I set him last week, a set of times tables, and he attempted the sheet adequately, and there were only some minor errros. His focus and ...
We marked his homework that I set him last week, a set of times tables, and he attempted the sheet adequately, and there were only some minor errros. His focus and attention improved this week as I encouraged him to talk about his hobbies like Fortnite.
His spelling can improve in the future. I encourage more reading in his spare time for him to get comfortable with more complex words to improve his spelling.