What do I enjoy most about tutoring? 😁
interacting with the students, answering their questions.
My Strengths as Tutor 💪
my explanation skills being able to offer tips on how to approach and remember such solutions.
Most important things I can do for a student 🏅
provide ways to approach an problem the student has, for them to remember the next time they get a similar problem.
Subjects Tutored 🎓
Exam Prep 📝
- Naplan tutoring
- HSC tutoring
Tutoring students in 👦 👧
- year 4
- year 5
- year 6
- year 7
- year 8
- year 9
- year 10
- year 11
- year 12
Other maths tutors in Asquith and nearby
Recent Tutoring Comments:
at the end of the lesson student at least understood number positions
at the end of the lesson student at least understood number positions
student needs better ways to visualise numbers so suggest usage of coins to try understand decimals
The student knew how to add decimals very well
The student knew how to add decimals very well
needs help visualizing the the numbers in her head, have been trying to get her to use her fingers and started to introduce a number line to explain decimals better.
student remembered some of the content covered in the last lesson and understood some basic concepts
student remembered some of the content covered in the last lesson and understood some basic concepts
needs to strive to improve her ability to remember core progression through the question so where the numbers are placed within the formal multiplication and what to do with them
Kalicia knew how to do simple multiplication(0-6) fairly well and followed along with the lesson where long multiplication was covered.
Kalicia knew how to do simple multiplication(0-6) fairly well and followed along with the lesson where long multiplication was covered.
Kalicia needs to show more confidence in answering questions as she feels unsure of herself and her answer even if right, additionally needs to practice times tables from 7-9 and 12s more in order to remember them. Recommend that she does questions with the multiplication grid beside her to familiarise herself with that side of the times tables, or do the flash cards on https://quizlet.com/5739990/times-tables-1-12-flash-cards/ that I suggested.