Emmad is well spoken and was easy to get along with. My daughter in year 10 improved her maths methods grade after 3 lessons from a D average to a C+. Emmad is definitely recommended!
Melissa is an excellent tutor who has already created a great rapporr with Poppy. She explains concepts clearly and relates them to real life experiences which provide a greater depth of understanding. We highly recommend Melissa as a tutor.
Jasmine and Bianca are the perfect combination. Bianca and I are so so happy with Jasmine and even after the first lesson Bianca is so motivated and enthusiastic about her improvement.
The tutoring with Paul was excellent and extremely professional and I have no hesitation in recommending him and your business as the conduit between the tutor and the client. Thank you for your professionalism and it has been a pleasure to deal with Paul and your firm.