Our tutor Aryan is wonderful and my son Jack is learning great tips and is gaining a deeper understanding of Year 11 maths.
I’m liaising directly with our tutor on sessions and happy with how this is going.
Kastaub was extraordinary as a tutor, and I fully intend to use him again and again in the future to assist Elijah in 3 unit maths. That initial 2hr session helped tremendously. Pls tell Kastaub that Elijah earned a 70% score in both the graphical equations tests! This was a fabulous result for him.
Briana was very happy, relaxed and full of excitement that this is exactly the right person to help her feel more confident for this exam. Thank you for not giving up on finding the right person for her.
Paul was is an exceptional tutor and worked extremely well with our daughter. I cannot speak highly enough about Paul’s work and there were no issues with us finishing up.