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Private english tutors that come to you in person or online

Ideally tuition should be a simple and positive experience for everyone involved - that means students and parents and of course, tutors too! Private tutoring is popular because it works.

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  • 1000's of Happy Students
    1000's of Happy Students

    Our tutors show WHAT to study + HOW to study

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Ann Maree, English tutor in Hassall Grove, NSW
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Anarghya, English tutor in Annandale, QLD
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Hoshini Reddy, English tutor in Douglas, QLD
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Jude, English tutor in Townsville, QLD
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What they say about our tutoring


Hi, Ruhail has been great and his flexibility has helped enormously. He spent 3.5 hours with Casey last weekend as she had a test she was very concerned about. Casey did much better in her test than she would have done and we are already over the moon. Please pass on our thanks.

Yes, we are very pleased that Sophia likes Rebecca and the tutoring seems to be going well. Rebecca obviously has patience and takes the time to explain things so Sophia can follow them and work through the maths, which is exactly what we wanted. The problem with the school is they move along so fast that there is not enough practice time, and we (the parents) are not familiar with what they teach so we can't just help out quickly; we have to re-learn it ourselves first, and then we're probably not good at explaining clearly. That's why it is great having Rebecca who can obviously explain things in a way Sophia understands. The main thing is that Sophia sees herself as '˜no good at maths', but when something is explained so she understands it, she is very pleased when she can get the right answers. A lot of it is a confidence thing I think, and also her school maths teacher has been quite negative about her work; so hopefully the tutoring will rebuild some of Sophia's general confidence over time, which would be great. Sophia will never be a star at maths, but if she can just get passes instead of always negative marks and comments from school, we will be quite happy with that. Sophia is very good at English/Hums and art; maths is her weak area, and we are very pleased (and actually surprised) that she is sitting through an hour of maths tutoring each week without complaint. We did not know how it would go; we tried one other tutor a few months ago , a retired male maths teacher - and she hated it. So this time we are very happy.

So far so good with Tim. Tim is now tutoring both my kids and both are really happy with him. Results will show in the months to come. It is early days but we are very happy so far.

Ideally tuition should be a simple and positive experience for everyone involved - that means students and parents and of course, tutors too! Private tutoring is popular because it works. What could be better than a tailored 1-on-1 approach where 100% of the instructor's time is spent understanding and helping the student? A good English tutor can be life-changing but unfortunately they can also be impossible to find. That's what we're here for!

English Tutor Mount Louisa

Currently we are working with 4 local English tutors in Mount Louisa. We'll find a tutor to come to your home, or any other location that's convenient. These tutors have worked with thousands of students in all sorts of situations. They're good, and they love tutoring! We have hundreds of reviews available for you to look at. But don't take our word for it, give us a try. Your first lesson works as a trial so if you don't like it, you don't have to pay for it.

If you're interested please get in touch. Either call us on 1300 312 354 or complete an enquiry form below so that we can get in touch. Our consultants can double check your area, explain pricing and answer any questions you may have. Then we'll organise a trial lesson risk-free. Ezy!