100% Good Fit Guarantee
Love your tutor or it's free. Guaranteed.
Unfortunately not every school teacher is a good match for every student. Often the student might develop the sense that they are not smart because they don't understand their teacher's approach, but often it's just a bad match.
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Unfortunately not every school teacher is a good match for every student. Often the student might develop the sense that they are not smart because they don't understand their teacher's approach, but often it's just a bad match. No teacher is a perfect teacher for every single student, especially students who might need a tailored approach. A private English tutor can help.
It's truly incredible the way in which one explanation creates that "aha" moment whereas another creates confusion. Our service is all about finding you the "right" tutor, not the "best" tutor. A local Melonba English tutor will not only connect well with your child but they will be able to offer explanations in such a manner that your child just "gets it". This is what we do.
Our offer is quite simple. We will find you an English tutor in Melonba. They will come to your home at a time of your choosing. They will come as often or as little as you decide. They will tailor the lessons to your child's specific needs. Best of all, if you think the tutor is not the "right" fit, we'll organise another tutor free of charge.
We want you to be a raving fan of your tutor. That's our Good-Fit guarantee.