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Learning Chemistry feels like learning a new language. It's hard in the beginning, you don't know what to look out for and even though you recognise things here and there that doesn't mean you can read a formula, let alone understand it. It's one of those subjects where it clicks or it just doesn't.
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Learning Chemistry feels like learning a new language. It's hard in the beginning, you don't know what to look out for and even though you recognise things here and there that doesn't mean you can read a formula, let alone understand it. It's one of those subjects where it clicks or it just doesn't.
Tutors we work with understand that. They've been there, they had to overcome the same hurdle and they are passionate about helping others do the same. They know the pitfalls, where to spend that extra hour and what you need to memorise before you can completely understand a concept.
Local Deeragun chemistry tutors are there to help your child reach that aha moment. They work around your schedule, at a time that's most convenient to you and your child.
It usually doesn't take more than a day or two before we can match you with a chemistry tutor in Deeragun who not only knows their content but is there to adapt to your child's needs. Not sure what kind of support your child requires? We figure that out for you!
We offer simple hourly rates, no other charges or fees, and the first lesson comes as a trial to ensure you are really happy with the tutor.
Give us a call! Our consultants can review your area, answer questions and explain pricing in detail.
1300 312 354