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Private biology tutors that come to you in person or online

Passing high school biology might be easy, but some students want more than just a passing grade.

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  • 100% Good Fit Guarantee
    100% Good Fit Guarantee

    Love your tutor or it's free. Guaranteed.

  • Qualified Tutors
    Qualified Tutors

    Carefully screened, fewer than 10% are good enough to work with us.

  • Simple Terms
    Simple Terms

    No booking fees, no hidden fees. Cancel any time, no lock-in.

  • We come to you
    We come to you

    You decide where and when to meet. As little or as often as you want.

  • Working with Children Check
    Working with Children Check

    All tutors have a valid working with children check

  • Real Results
    Real Results

    Reach goals and improve grades faster with private, 1-to-1 lessons.

  • Any Grade
    Any Grade

    High school or primary, you'll get a tutor that fits your needs.

  • 1000's of Happy Students
    1000's of Happy Students

    Our tutors show WHAT to study + HOW to study

  • Lesson Reports
    Lesson Reports

    You'll get feedback on each lesson, so you know how your child gets on.

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1st Lesson Trial

Help Your Child Succeed in Biology

We will contact you to organize the first Trial Lesson!

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What they say about our tutoring


Hello , both Ruby and I are very happy with her expanding understanding and Boris is a positive , patient and focused young man , he seems to be connecting with Ruby quite well with mutual respect . We look forward to more understanding.

Thank you for your follow up of my son's tutor.  I am very happy with Ben and my son told me that he is getting along with Ben, much better than his previous teacher.  Ben's teaching techniques is very different compare to his previous teacher, therefore my son is finding he has learnt much more with Ben.  Thank you for sending him such a good teacher.  I would highly recommend Ben to my friends if they ever need a tutor. Thank you.

I would like to say that Justin is a wonderful young man. I know it's only early stages but Arin had a smile on his face that filled my heart. Arin has a lot of respect for Justin, which tells me there is a good connection or understanding developing. Thank you for finding us Justin. In Arin's words ' I have learnt more with Justin in three lessons than with the other tutor we had over the past year'Âť. I think we can say Arin has gotten off to a great start. My only hope is that Justin is also comfortable with us.

Passing high school biology might be easy, but some students want more than just a passing grade. They want to excel!

We work with great biology tutors in Awaba and over the years we've realized most students have a good idea of what they need to do in order to prepare for a test, they just tend to take shortcuts where they really shouldn't.

Biology Tutor Awaba

All it takes is a bit of a push to truly get everything out of exam prep. Students usually need quick tips here and there and someone to keep them focused until they develop good learning habits. By providing the right input at the right time tutors can help students keep up with the demands and get the grades they want.

If you are looking for a local biology tutor, the tutors we work with are available within a day or two. All we need to get things started is to have a chat with you so we can figure out what kind of support your child needs.

On top of that, we keep things simple and convenient. That means
there are no extra fees or hidden charges, just a simple hourly rate.

Last but not least, to make sure you really like the tutor - the first lesson comes as a risk-free trial and with a money-back guarantee.

Looking for biology tutor in Awaba?  We can help you out.

Just give us a call!
1300 312 354