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Private english tutors that come to you in person or online

Ideally tuition should be a simple and positive experience for everyone involved - that means students and parents and of course, tutors too! Private tutoring is popular because it works.

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  • 100% Good Fit Guarantee
    100% Good Fit Guarantee

    Love your tutor or it's free. Guaranteed.

  • Qualified Tutors
    Qualified Tutors

    Carefully screened, fewer than 10% are good enough to work with us.

  • Simple Terms
    Simple Terms

    No booking fees, no hidden fees. Cancel any time, no lock-in.

  • We come to you
    We come to you

    You decide where and when to meet. As little or as often as you want.

  • Working with Children Check
    Working with Children Check

    All tutors have a valid working with children check

  • Real Results
    Real Results

    Reach goals and improve grades faster with private, 1-to-1 lessons.

  • Any Grade
    Any Grade

    High school or primary, you'll get a tutor that fits your needs.

  • 1000's of Happy Students
    1000's of Happy Students

    Our tutors show WHAT to study + HOW to study

  • Lesson Reports
    Lesson Reports

    You'll get feedback on each lesson, so you know how your child gets on.

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What they say about our tutoring


My biggest accomplishment is guiding a year 12 student through the final topics of 2 Unit mathematics and making her understand the concepts and formulas in those topics. My second biggest accomplishment is my year 8 student receiving an A. I came to work for Ezy Math Tutoring because I wanted an income while studying in University. What I got out of the tutoring experience is that I have increased my communication skills as well as my teaching skills. I also gained experience in being responsible. What was special about Ezy Math Tutoring were the guidelines that were given to us. They were good on guiding how to set each lesson, what to expect and how to handle certain situations. 3rd August 2012

I came on board as a tutor, when I was looking for a part-time job to support my post-graduate studies. I felt tutoring was a great way to utilise the skills I had in mathematics while working with someone to help improve themselves and develop my own skill set at the same time. It was personal development on multiple levels. The tutoring experience at EzyMath was very unique - because the focus was on helping the student develop learning skills, that could be applied outside of mathematics. This was very appealing to me because I feel it's important to teach skills that enable others to learn themselves. The weekly material provided by EzyMath was extremely thought-provoking and always had a practical application. My biggest accomplishment was definitely becoming friend and mentor to my student. We were able to discuss issues outside of the normal day to day work, and I was able to understand the interests and learning capabilities of my student. This was invaluable to for developing a good working relationship thereby enabling me to structure my lessons with more intent overtime. Overall, I found that working for EzyMath was both challenging and extremely satisfying. I learned a great deal about different types of learning methods, teaching methods and the skills it takes to deal with other people. If you are looking for an engaging experience where you can make a positive contribution to other students, then working at EzyMath is definitely for you! 9th August 2012

Hi everyone. i am a former tutor at Ezy Math Tutoring. I worked as a tutor while enrolled as a student at the University of Wollongong. The selection process for entering the EzyMath Tutoring team was meticulous and involved a written exam as well as an interview. I can honestly say that the recruitment staff at EzyMath Tutoring team takes utmost care to select only the best candidates who have proven record in mathematics. EzyMath Tutoring gave me a wonderful opportunity to coach younger students not only in the subject of Mathematics but also Chemistry, Biology and Physics. The fortnightly Continuous Education Program (CEP) modules helped me become not only a better tutor but also a better student. The modules on self-belief, the different types of learning styles were interesting, intriguing and informative. EzyMath Tutoring has my highest recommendations for prospective tutors as well as prospective clients. 18th August 2012

Ideally tuition should be a simple and positive experience for everyone involved - that means students and parents and of course, tutors too! Private tutoring is popular because it works. What could be better than a tailored 1-on-1 approach where 100% of the instructor's time is spent understanding and helping the student? A good English tutor can be life-changing but unfortunately they can also be impossible to find. That's what we're here for!

English Tutor Walkervale

Currently we are working with 1 local English tutors in Walkervale. We'll find a tutor to come to your home, or any other location that's convenient. These tutors have worked with thousands of students in all sorts of situations. They're good, and they love tutoring! We have hundreds of reviews available for you to look at. But don't take our word for it, give us a try. Your first lesson works as a trial so if you don't like it, you don't have to pay for it.

If you're interested please get in touch. Either call us on 1300 312 354 or complete an enquiry form below so that we can get in touch. Our consultants can double check your area, explain pricing and answer any questions you may have. Then we'll organise a trial lesson risk-free. Ezy!