This tutor brings a unique blend of passion and multilingual skills to the table, making her an excellent choice for students needing assistance in Maths. Fluent in both English and Indonesian, she ensures clear communication with a diverse range of students. Her enthusiasm for learning is evident from her pursuit of a Bachelor of Science in Chemistry, highlighting her strong analytical skills which are essential for effective Maths tutoring.
With experience working efficiently under pressure as a front desk clerk, this tutor has honed her problem-solving abilities and maintained high standards even in fast-paced environments. These skills translate seamlessly into her tutoring approach, where she can quickly identify and address students'' difficulties in understanding concepts. Her ability to stay calm and think on her feet ensures that sessions are productive and stress-free for students.
Known for being friendly and customer service-minded, this tutor excels at building positive relationships with students. Her approachable nature helps create a comfortable learning atmosphere where students feel encouraged to ask questions and express their concerns. Being a quick learner herself, she adapts easily to different teaching methods to cater to individual student needs, ensuring each child receives personalized attention tailored to their learning style.
Recent Tutoring Comments:
Liana is so keen to get ahead of her class and she applies that motivation to her work with me during class. She gets concepts very quickly.
Liana is so keen to get ahead of her class and she applies that motivation to her work with me during class. She gets concepts very quickly.
Liana just requires more practice.
She seemed to be keen to learn however wasn't happy with the amount of work needed to improve.
She seemed to be keen to learn however wasn't happy with the amount of work needed to improve.
Liana needs to practice her times tables more as she needs to be fast.
She is very quick with addition and her times tables. I got her to time herself writing her times tables from 1-12. She managed to do it in 13 minutes and 57 ...
She is very quick with addition and her times tables. I got her to time herself writing her times tables from 1-12. She managed to do it in 13 minutes and 57 seconds.
Although Charlotte is very quick, she needs to work on her accuracy and back-checking. With the questions I set for her in class, she was very fast and keen to finish them however, she made a few silly mistakes in her arithmetic.
She understood the concept well after a while and was able to complete questions without my assistance towards the end of the lesson.
She understood the concept well after a while and was able to complete questions without my assistance towards the end of the lesson.
Her attention span needs to be worked on and her confidence is still very low as when she is unsure, she hesitates to "burble" the answer out. She needs to understand that mistakes are supposed to be made because it helps her learn.