What do I enjoy most about tutoring? 😁
I personally have not tutored before however have helped people around me which is why I believe I will enjoy tutoring.
The part I enjoy most about helping is trying to make it as easy and engaging as possible for the learner so they enjoy their time as well as learn areas of a subject they may find difficult.
My Strengths as Tutor 💪
Being clear and listening to the learner to ensure I understand his/her needs so I can help to the best of my ability.
Most important things I can do for a student 🏅
Make sure they are comfortable such as working at a steady pace so they can understand the content, and reassuring the student that they are doing great and maintaining a good relationship.
Subjects Tutored 🎓
Exam Prep 📝
Tutoring students in 👦 👧
- year 2
- year 3
- year 4
- year 5
- year 6
- year 7
- year 8
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