This tutor brings a robust background in science, with a focus on forensic studies and laboratory medicine. Having pursued advanced studies in forensic science, they are well-equipped to tutor students in biology, chemistry, biochemistry, and related subjects. Their hands-on experience in both academic and professional laboratory settings ensures they can provide practical insights alongside theoretical knowledge, making learning more engaging for students.
With a Certificate IV in Training & Assessment, this tutor is formally trained to design, facilitate, and assess educational programs. They have applied these skills as an Assistant Science Teacher where they mentored students and facilitated learning through interactive experiments. This background makes them adept at creating customised learning experiences that cater to the individual needs of primary and high school students.
Beyond their scientific expertise, this tutor has demonstrated their ability to impart practical skills effectively. Their tenure as a Trainee Medical Scientist involved handling various laboratory techniques which they proficiently taught to peers and juniors. The combination of their scientific knowledge and hands-on approach fosters an enriching learning environment that encourages students to engage deeply with the subject matter.
Recent Tutoring Comments:
Short Summary of Last Thursday's Lesson (28/11/2024) with Ruby: For this lesson, Ruby and myself went through some practice test questions on Representing and ...
Short Summary of Last Thursday's Lesson (28/11/2024) with Ruby: For this lesson, Ruby and myself went through some practice test questions on Representing and Interpreting Data as she had a maths test the following day at school. I'm sure she did quite ok with this test. We went over a number of practice questions that covered concepts such as classifying data, e.g. qualitative vs. quantitative data, displaying data in tables, e.g. frequency tables and stem and leaf plots, measures of center and spread, e.g. mean, median, mode and comparing data graphically and from measures of spread. I really felt Ruby applied herself well during this lesson. There were also a few moments where she got specific questions wrong but I made a point of prompting her to think through her answers until she got them correct. I feel she demonstrated a good understanding of this topic as we wen through it. I hope she did well on her test last Friday. Learning Strategies demonstrated: Pen and Paper – this definitely was demonstrated during this lesson. Ruby made a good point of writing down every question we went through together and highlighted every answer that she felt was correct in this regard. I feel this strategy has slowly improved over the last few weeks with Ruby. It will get better as we go forward with our last lesson coming up, and into the new year hopefully, Talking Aloud – This strategy was also demonstrated quite ok during this lesson. Ruby made a good point of talking aloud the answers she felt was correct for each question we attempted together. There were a few moments during the lesson where she commented that she forgot certain concepts in relation to this topic but I made a point of explaining what they meant and she was able to apply it immediately to questions that highlighted such concepts. One question asked to find the mode of a given data set, Ruby commented she forgot what this was, I explained it to her and then she was able to find the corresponding answer. Memory Triggers – I felt this strategy had to be implemented a number of times during this lesson as Ruby kept commenting she had forgotten concepts in relation to this topic of statistics. Once she was reminded of what these concepts were, she applied them well to all the questions that required answers of them.
I feel Ruby has shown good improvement in her understanding and learning of maths over the last month or two. I would encourage Ruby to be consistent with this for next year as she moves into Year 8 Maths. Not to be lazy about this, but to make the effort to go over notes and problems undertaken in the classroom at school as a tool for her learning of maths going forward. There's nothing wrong doing this. I remember doing this when I was in high school and I quite excelled in maths. As I've said in previous posts, Ruby's got some excellent potential to be really good at maths next year, she just needs to apply herself a little bit more. Well done for last Thursday's lesson, Ruby.
Short Summary of Today's Lesson (21/11/2024) with Ruby: For today's lesson, we moved on from Chapter 9: Measurement to Chapter 14: Representing and Interpreting ...
Short Summary of Today's Lesson (21/11/2024) with Ruby: For today's lesson, we moved on from Chapter 9: Measurement to Chapter 14: Representing and Interpreting Data in the textbook Jacaranda Maths Quest 7, Australian Curriculum, 3rd Edition. For today's lesson, we mainly covered content and questions from section 14.6: Comparing Data. I felt it was a good idea to get straight in to this sections' exercise questions as it would get Ruby's mind focused on all the different concepts she had been taught at school today. The following questions are what we attempted together for this lesson: Q1 a): i) - iv), b): i) - iv) & c), Q2 a): i) - iv) & b), Q4 a): i) - iv), b): i) - iv), & c), Q5 a): i) - iv) & b), Q10 a) - c) and Q11 a) & b). As we went through each question, I made a point of asking Ruby what was each concept/variable was defined as with the question it was presented with and how it was to be calculated. Ruby was able to give a number of good definitions to these variables, e.g. mean, median, mode and range. And show how each was to be calculated. There were a few moments where she got confused with this but I managed to get her back on track with this subtopic. I feel Ruby displayed a very good understanding of this subtopic but I also feel there's good room for improvement going forward with this topic. Learning Strategies demonstrated: Pen and Paper – This strategy was very much on display during today's lesson. I feel Ruby applied this strategy quite well today. She made a good effort to write down all the questions we went through and showed good workings with each question highlighting how each of them was to be evaluated. I was very happy with how well she utilised this strategy. As I have mentioned previously, I wanted to see improvement with this strategy concenring Ruby. I feel this was done really well during today's lesson. Talking Aloud – This strategy was also very much on display during this afternoon's lesson. I made a point of encouraging Ruby to talk aloud each question we attempted together and talk her way through how each was to be evaluated. There were a few moments where she stated the wrong answer/s but I prompted here to keep talking through the question until she got the correct answer. I feel Ruby utilised this strategy quite well.
I feel Ruby's slowly but surely showing good signs, up to this point of time, of understanding and learning maths better. She's showed really good focus and engagement over the last few weeks as we've gone ahead with the lessons we have. She's consistently building upon everything that she's being taught and is encouraged to go over the content again to help it sink in better for her own understanding and learning. I did encourage Ruby to just go over the concepts of mean, median, mode and range again in any spare time she has as she commented she felt she was getting these concepts confused. Overall, it was another good lesson. Well done for today, Ruby.
Tutorial was planned for this afternoon but due to unforeseen circumstances, we had to cancel as Ruby wasn't herself due to circumstances that happened during the ...
Tutorial was planned for this afternoon but due to unforeseen circumstances, we had to cancel as Ruby wasn't herself due to circumstances that happened during the school day.
I believe Ruby's been showing excellent improvement over the last few weeks with her understanding and learning of maths. I believe this will continue to improve and built upon as we go forward with further lessons.
Short Summary of Last Thursday's Lesson (07/11/2024) with Ruby: Looking back on last week's lesson on the 7th November 2024, I would say this was our best lesson ...
Short Summary of Last Thursday's Lesson (07/11/2024) with Ruby: Looking back on last week's lesson on the 7th November 2024, I would say this was our best lesson to date I feel. We moved on from section 9.4: Perimeter to section 9.7: Volume as this is what Ruby was currently going through at school. We got straight into the associated exercise and went from there. We attempted a number of questions from this exercise. We ended the lesson on two worded questions that involved calculating the volume of a shoe box and finding the height of a rectangular prism from a defined volume given. I was very happy and impressed by Ruby during this lesson, she gave a number of correct answers to the questions we attempted together, really made an excellent effort to think through these questions with her focus and engagement solely on the content we got through. It was good to see this from Ruby. I feel she's slowly but surely understanding maths a little better than when I first started tutoring her. Well done Ruby. Learning Strategies demonstrated: Pen and Paper – This strategy was very much on display. I feel Ruby's consistently improving week to week with this strategy slowly. It getting better I must say. Keep working on this please Ruby. Talking Aloud - This strategy was also on display during this lesson. I made a point of encouraging Ruby to talk aloud each answer she was to give for each question we attempted together. I feel she did well by doing this as she, on a number of occasions obtained correct answers as stated by the textbook. Memory Pegs/Triggers – This strategy was also demonstrated by Ruby I will say lastly. There were a few moments during this lesson where she had to utilize her times tables to obtained specific answers to the questions we attempted. I made a point of reminding her back to what her 4 times tables and 6 times tables were and how they linked to finding volumes for Q5 a), c), e) and g). Once she remembered this, Ruby was able to calculate the correct volume for each prism present in the mentioned questions.
I feel Ruby's slowly but surely improving with her understanding and learning of mathematics as we go from lesson to lesson with each subtopic of Measurement. I would encourage Ruby to keep doing what she's doing at present and build on it. Stay focused and keep being engaged with this. I know we can see more good things happen with Ruby here in terms of her understanding and learning of maths. Again, well done for Thursday, Ruby.