My name is Praneel and I graduated from Yr 12 in 2022 with an overall rank of 98.35. Currently, I am in my 2nd year at UQ studying Bachelor of Computer Science and Master of Data Science, which is a 4 yr dual degree course in the hopes of becoming a data scientist or analyst in the near future. In Year 12, I've achieved >80% for my top 5 subjects: Math Methods, Physics, Chemistry, Digital Solutions & French, with the highest being 90% in Chemistry. However, my passion was towards Digital Solutions as I was interested in coding and debugging applications which truly challenged me to think outside the box. I am a relaxed and easygoing person and enjoy helping other students in my free time. My goal is to make students truly understand the concepts they are learning, without having to cram everything last minute. By having me as their tutor, they can ensure higher confidence in themselves and their studies as well as improved results, provided that they put in the effort.
My teaching style involves practice questions with explanations, and demos for coding. Learning the content is one thing but knowing how to apply it is another, which is why I believe in giving out practice problems for students so they can apply the theory they have learnt over multiple problem-solving applications. I can promise that as a former student myself, this was how I learnt what I was taught in class the best. I will also ensure that your child understands their mistakes and help them improve steadily, so that they are on the right path for academic success.
With prior experience in marking assignments, I will ensure that your child's draft or final copy is marked closely based on the ISMG (Instrument-Specific Marking Guide), and provide them with key feedback so that they can enhance the quality of their work before submission. This will also include comments to fix up any minor issues in their writing. If your child is struggling in exams, they will be able to tackle any question thrown at them if they follow my simple 4-step study model: LPAR. L - LEARN by taking notes P - PRACTICE simple, familiar questions A - APPLY in complex problems R - REPEAT until it becomes muscle memory A lot of high school students fail in applying their knowledge in tricky problem-solving questions. Being a tutor, I cannot stress the importance of this considering that most exams will have some complex questions that will really test how much the student has learnt over the term. Using LPAR, I can assist your child in maximizing their understanding of the course content to ensure the best possible learning outcome for them.