What do I enjoy most about tutoring? 😁
Being able to help students understand the subject and being able to see their smile when they get something right
My Strengths as Tutor 💪
being friendly,
having the ability to simplify the topic
Most important things I can do for a student 🏅
being approachable to the students
Subjects Tutored 🎓
Exam Prep 📝
Tutoring students in 👦 👧
- year 1
- year 2
- year 3
- year 4
- year 5
- year 6
Other maths tutors in Burwood and nearby
Recent Tutoring Comments:
She was doing some of the work by hearself
She was doing some of the work by hearself
Needs to stop being distracted and not play around with things
she did some of the work without my help
she did some of the work without my help
needs to stop getting distracted, needs to stop just asking me to help without trying it on her own
She was answering questions, very little effort
She was answering questions, very little effort
Put more effort and try to do the questions by herself
She was answering questions and putting in some effort
She was answering questions and putting in some effort
Put more effort and try to do the questions by herself, keep still in one spot