Yaanula is a dedicated and multi-talented tutor who excels in providing individualised instruction to help students reach their full potential. With a strong background in critical thinking, he is adept at analysing situations to find the best solutions for his students. His experience in various extracurricular activities, such as debating and science competitions, showcases his ability to engage with diverse subjects and challenge his students academically.
This tutor has demonstrated exceptional verbal communication skills through active participation in team-oriented activities. He is well-versed in task delegation and staff leadership, ensuring that each session is organised efficiently while maintaining safety compliance. His ability to adapt quickly to different teaching environments makes him an excellent choice for parents seeking a reliable and effective tutor for their children.
Yaanula’s commitment to excellence goes beyond just academic instruction; he strives to express the best version of himself in every aspect of his work. He is willing to take on any challenge or target set before him, ensuring that each student receives the attention and support they need. With his fast learning ability and willingness to undergo additional training if needed, this tutor promises to deliver high-quality education tailored specifically for your child’s success.