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Private chemistry tutors that come to you in person or online

Reactions written out in simple mathematical terms but still impossible to read and understand - chemistry can be a tough subject to learn. No wonder students get discouraged and give up before even trying.

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  • 100% Good Fit Guarantee
    100% Good Fit Guarantee

    Love your tutor or it's free. Guaranteed.

  • Qualified Tutors
    Qualified Tutors

    Carefully screened, fewer than 10% are good enough to work with us.

  • Simple Terms
    Simple Terms

    No booking fees, no hidden fees. Cancel any time, no lock-in.

  • We come to you
    We come to you

    You decide where and when to meet. As little or as often as you want.

  • Working with Children Check
    Working with Children Check

    All tutors have a valid working with children check

  • Real Results
    Real Results

    Reach goals and improve grades faster with private, 1-to-1 lessons.

  • Any Grade
    Any Grade

    High school or primary, you'll get a tutor that fits your needs.

  • 1000's of Happy Students
    1000's of Happy Students

    Our tutors show WHAT to study + HOW to study

  • Lesson Reports
    Lesson Reports

    You'll get feedback on each lesson, so you know how your child gets on.

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What they say about our tutoring


I believe my biggest accomplishment has been to raise the grades of my students from the average levels to the above-average, since it reflects the fact that all students have the potential for great talent with hard work and practice. I came to work with Ezy Math Tutoring to pass on the positive experience that comes from having a good tutor in a challenging subject. From my experience, I re-learned how to teach others ideas, concepts and facts through various established and self-made techniques, which I can apply to my own studies with my fellows and peers. I also got into the discipline of keeping reports, records and other documentation, an important skill for any career. Having uni students as tutors allows for a more recent and up-to-date understanding of school-level subjects, as well as a greater understanding of the challenges involved and strategies to beat them. I would recommend Ezy Math Tutoring to uni students who want to keep their maths skills sharp, enhance some valuable skills, and earn some pocket money as well.

Our son lacked confidence when tackling maths subject matter and in doing the associated homework. We contacted Ezymath Tutoring, who quickly found us a tutor  who worked well with our son. As the sessions continued, our son gained knowledge and confidence in the subject matter, improved his study technique as well and ultimately got a satisfactory result in his year 12 exam.  We would recommend Ezymath Tutoring to any parent looking for assistance in their child's maths education. The tutoring is backed up with helpful hints and reference material  as an added bonus.

Charlie's tutor, Alex, was remarkable with Charlie and I cannot speak highly enough of him. He is doing a lot better in numeracy.

Reactions written out in simple mathematical terms but still impossible to read and understand - chemistry can be a tough subject to learn. No wonder students get discouraged and give up before even trying.

Even if they've started out well, tackled science in lower grades with a good attitude, even if they've made a switch to Year 11 Chemistry easily, more often than not students hit a wall when it comes to Year 12 chemistry. This is when they need all the support they can get.

Chemistry Tutor Mullaquana

If you've already thought about tutoring and are looking for someone local, a chemistry tutor in Mullaquana, we can help.

We are working with local tutors who can assist your child through high school chemistry. Whatever it is, be it going from inorganic to organic chemistry or simply being asked to understand experiments when they still don't have a grasp of the necessary basics. Tutoring may well be the best way to bridge the gap, especially when it's done right.

This is what we offer.

Conveniently, in your home or anywhere else, you choose the time and place. There are no hidden fees, just a simple hourly rate, and if the first lesson isn't what you've hoped for we won't charge you. Instead, we look for another chemistry tutor in Mullaquana who is a better match and more than happy to help.

Want to start as soon as possible?

Give us a call.
1300 312 354