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Private chemistry tutors that come to you in person or online

With each chemistry lesson, there's more and more information. After a while, it gets harder and harder to pinpoint how it's all connected.

No wonder most students get overwhelmed and start memorising instead of understanding the concepts. Or worse, they just give up.

Refine your search:

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Find Chemistry Tutor in LakelandsChemistry
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Find Naplan Tutor in LakelandsNaplan
Find WACE Tutor in LakelandsWACE
  • 100% Good Fit Guarantee
    100% Good Fit Guarantee

    Love your tutor or it's free. Guaranteed.

  • Qualified Tutors
    Qualified Tutors

    Carefully screened, fewer than 10% are good enough to work with us.

  • Simple Terms
    Simple Terms

    No booking fees, no hidden fees. Cancel any time, no lock-in.

  • We come to you
    We come to you

    You decide where and when to meet. As little or as often as you want.

  • Working with Children Check
    Working with Children Check

    All tutors have a valid working with children check

  • Real Results
    Real Results

    Reach goals and improve grades faster with private, 1-to-1 lessons.

  • Any Grade
    Any Grade

    High school or primary, you'll get a tutor that fits your needs.

  • 1000's of Happy Students
    1000's of Happy Students

    Our tutors show WHAT to study + HOW to study

  • Lesson Reports
    Lesson Reports

    You'll get feedback on each lesson, so you know how your child gets on.

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1st Lesson Trial

Help Your Child Succeed in Chemistry

We will contact you to organize the first Trial Lesson!

Fathima Shamiya
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What they say about our tutoring


I thought you would like to know that Matilda got the highest mark in her class for her end of year Math exam 83%. We were so thrilled and it gave her a huge confidence boost! I would like to thank you and Erin and we look forward to continuing her tutoring next year.

I came to you because I wasn't satisfied with another tutoring company I had my son at. He has attention problems and was unable to grasp basic mathematical concepts. He couldn't add two numbers together if their total came to more than ten, he couldn't tell the time and knew none of his times tables. The other tutoring company tutored in a group and my son  would zone out as soon as the tutor turned their attention to someone else. Their response to this was that he had to get used to distractions. I agree with this but not when I am paying $50 an hour. Your company has been fantastic. Your tutor researched children with attention problems before getting to know my son and used his interests to keep his attention. My son enjoys his tutoring sessions and now knows his times tables, can tell the time and perform complicated (grade 3) equations. It has been money well spent.

Gerard is doing a wonderful job, Jessica is comfortable expressing her difficulties with certain areas of Maths and Gerard is able to assist easily.

With each chemistry lesson, there's more and more information. After a while, it gets harder and harder to pinpoint how it's all connected.

No wonder most students get overwhelmed and start memorising instead of understanding the concepts. Or worse, they just give up.

Chemistry Tutor Lakelands

We've heard it time and time again, you’ve probably heard it too. Some students connect everything as they go, but some are just stuck. This kind of attitude can lead to poor grades, but it can also lead to a crack in your child's self-esteem.

So what can you do?

The truth is - everyone struggles. Some might get there easier or quicker, but everyone struggles at some point. We know that and the Lakelands chemistry tutors we work with know that, too.

All it takes is a bit of guidance by someone who's been there before. Someone who can foster the right attitude and study habits, but most importantly, someone who clicks with your child - a tutor who truly cares about your child's needs and goals.

That's what we do.

We find tutors and organise one-on-one chemistry tutoring in Lakelands, at your home or any other place that works for you.

There are no extra fees, just a simple hourly rate. You don't like the tutor? No need to worry, the first lesson comes as a risk-free trial and we find you a better match. Simple as that.
Thinking about finding your child a tutor in Lakelands?

Give us a call!
1300 312 354