Being able to help a student achieve future problems on their own by helping them understand how to do a problem rather than just providing the solution is one of the most important things I consider a tutor can do for a student. I also think it's important to be prepared to help them with their topics by preparing first myself. I believe my…
The most important things a tutor can do is to tailor their lessons to suit their individual students as every student learns differently and has different learning needs. It is also important that the tutor has knowledge on the curriculum that the student is being taught at school so they can align what they teach what the student is learning at…
The most important things that a tutor can do for a student are making sure that they are enjoying their time spent with the tutor and learning at a rate that is good for the student. As a tutor I believe that I am very clear in giving instructions, tutorials and explaining how to do things, i have the patience that most students need to learn a…
The most important things a tutor can do for a student are to provide clear explanations, offer patient guidance, foster a supportive learning environment, adapt teaching strategies to suit the student's needs, and instill confidence in their abilities. As a tutor, I believe my strengths lie in my ability to explain complex concepts in simple…
The most important thing a tutor can do for a student is to be able to help the student reach their full potential and to guide them on the right path My strengths would be guiding them through the process and making sure they take their time to…
Apart from being a tutor, I'm also a mentor to my students by building a strong relationship with them over time.
One of the most important things that I can do as a tutor is be an adult that they can trust and look up to in their life. As a tutor, I strive to create positive learning experiences, provide encouragement and use effective…
I believe that a tutor should be someone whom the student should feel comfortable asking questions. In this sense, the student should definitely feel no hestitation when asking for clarification if they do not completely understand a concept, something which is not always easy to do in a class. I believe my weaknesses as a tutor would stem from my…
The most important thing a tutor can do for a student is to just help them with their work and listen to their needs and help with those needs. I think that my strengths are:
- being an effective communicators
- knowing how and when to give critical feedback
- being able to explain concepts in a way that is different than normal
- being able…
Help them understand the material, encourage their strengths and support them when they find something difficult I believe I'm good at helping people understand information, being able to explain things simply and…
As a tutor, the most important things I believe I can do for a student are to provide personalised support tailored to their needs, foster a positive learning environment that encourages confidence and growth, and instil a passion for learning. By adapting teaching methods, offering individual attention, and addressing their specific challenges, I…
Be able to be understanding and Patient With the students to be able to help them reach their potential. And scaffold them to their needs in order for them to reach their zone of proximal development. I am studying to become a teacher, I am well versed and know how to deal with teenagers/kids due to my current job and studies. I am also very…
Listen. You need to listen to understand where and why they are struggling before you can help Patience and understanding. Having just finished year 12 this year, I have been there and understand that sometimes you need that extra bit of support a teacher cannot…
Being a tutor that is energetic, passionate, relevant and engaging. Never giving up on a student. Make engaging work understandable not just in terms of delivery or comprehension, but also in relevance and the application to subjects or scenarios outside the topic. All topics contain information and techniques that can be used for Learning for…
I believe a tutor should give encouragement generously. A tutor should also empower students by teaching them skills that will help them throughout their schooling and beyond. I care about my students. I try to identify their learning style so that I'm better equipped to help them. I encourage my students to work their way through problems instead…
The most important thing I can do for a student is to make the learning environment as comfortable and accessible as possible. And to teach them invaluable study skills transferable to any position. I am personable and understanding of what it means to be genuinely stuck on something. I am a very patient person - I am more than willing to go back…
A tutor must provide enough time, guidance and have patience with their students so that they feel comfortable and ask doubts whenever they required. I enjoy my passion towards teaching and want my students not to have any fear towards any subject and I make learning easier for them by teaching the things their way, as every student has their own…
I think the most important thing that a tutor can do for a student is to be someone that they can relay on to support them through their struggles and eventually assist the student in overcoming these struggles.
Kind regards Faith Coleman I think my strengths as a tutor include
Having previous work experience in the teaching environment e.g…
Create a non-toxic environment where a student feel comfortable to learn and ask questions. To me I feel this to be the most important factor in learning as feeling comfortable with asking questions and knowing you won't recieve a toxic response is vital in a student excelling in a subject. Due to my past experience with customer service in…
I believe encouraging a students desire to learn is one of the best things a tutor can do for their students, and learning can only be joyful when you understand what you're taught. I believe it is my duty as a tutor to make sure my students finish a tutoring session having more confidence in their study materials than before they started. I can…
I believe the most important thing a tutor can do for a student is to give them the confidence to never stop trying to learn despite few low moments. I personally, encourage students to ask even the most basic questions which come across their mind and to never feel ashamed of wanting to learn more or being curious. In my opinion, Constantly…
The most important thing is give a student confidence in their own abilities. Without confidence, a student will continue to doubt themselves and struggle whether you are guiding them in their learning or not. I am compassionate, good at explaining things in multiple ways, and creative. I believe that to be a tutor you have to be creative, as the…
Thank you for the report. We are very happy with Kim's approach and way of teaching . Yejeena is very responsive to her and enjoying her learning. She has become more confident in school and starting to put her hand up to answer questions when her teacher asks questions from the the class.
It seems to us that , Kim also is enjoying working with Yejee and very happy with Yejee's attitude toward her extra study hours after school.
Both Ashleigh and myself are very happy with Duncan. Ashleigh is already feeling much more confident and I believe that she will progress steadily.
Tutoring with Robert is going extremely well. Robert has an excellent way of explaining concepts and Tara and Ethan are already feeling more confident with their maths.
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