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Private physics tutors that come to you in person or online

To truly excel at science, students need to learn how to play the long game. It's all about putting previous knowledge into new contexts, never quite leaving any piece of information or concept behind, but building on it.

There's a method to learning science and most students struggle to figure it out for themselves.

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  • 100% Good Fit Guarantee
    100% Good Fit Guarantee

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  • Qualified Tutors
    Qualified Tutors

    Carefully screened, fewer than 10% are good enough to work with us.

  • Simple Terms
    Simple Terms

    No booking fees, no hidden fees. Cancel any time, no lock-in.

  • We come to you
    We come to you

    You decide where and when to meet. As little or as often as you want.

  • Working with Children Check
    Working with Children Check

    All tutors have a valid working with children check

  • Real Results
    Real Results

    Reach goals and improve grades faster with private, 1-to-1 lessons.

  • Any Grade
    Any Grade

    High school or primary, you'll get a tutor that fits your needs.

  • 1000's of Happy Students
    1000's of Happy Students

    Our tutors show WHAT to study + HOW to study

  • Lesson Reports
    Lesson Reports

    You'll get feedback on each lesson, so you know how your child gets on.

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What they say about our tutoring


All seems to be going well with Jared. We are overseas at the moment so have put tutoring on hold. Griffin said he likes Jared and is keen to continue tutoring, he said Jared is incredibly smart and always takes time to explain to him. We were worried as Griff seemed to be really attached to Nick and couldn't believe you would have someone as good to replace him. Where do you find these amazing young men?

I know it is only early days but Harley and Owen seem to have '˜clicked'.  They are working really well and not only is Harley's confidence growing but also his understanding of the maths chapters they have been studying has improved.   I no longer have to hassle him to do his homework - always a bonus!

Henry has had 3 sessions with Justin so far, and it is going very well. His current topic is algebra and he feels that he is benefitting from the additional assistance. Justin is punctual, helpful (even stayed back an extra 10-15 minutes last week to help Henry with a problem-solving sheet) and is very pleasant to have around.

To truly excel at science, students need to learn how to play the long game. It's all about putting previous knowledge into new contexts, never quite leaving any piece of information or concept behind, but building on it.

There's a method to learning science and most students struggle to figure it out for themselves. It's hard staying motivated if you can't see the bigger picture and in most cases, students don't get that kind of support at school.

Physics Tutor Canadian

That's why tutors are such an important part of mastering physics. All it takes is the right kind of help at the right moment. Guided learning can get the student from keeping up to getting top grades and building self-confidence.

If you are looking for a physics tutor in Canadian, someone who understands your child's goals, is dedicated and reliable, we can help you out!

It usually doesn't take more than a day or two before we can match you with a physics tutor in Canadian who not only knows their content but is there to adapt to your child's needs.

We offer simple hourly rates, no other charges or fees. Not sure what kind of support your child requires? We figure that out for you!

And if for whatever reason you are not completely happy with the first match, no need to worry. The first lesson works as a risk-free trial to ensure you are really happy with the tutor.

Our consultants can review your area, answer questions and explain pricing in detail.

Give us a call!
1300 312 354