Exams are a quintessential part of students’ lives. Though they face final examinations each year, the process remains as stressful as ever. The key to acing any test is effective and thorough preparation. As a parent, it’s your responsibility to make the learning process smoother and help the student sail through the year with a top-notch grade. Here’s how you can guide them using our study tips for exams.  

Exam Strategy

A perfect exam preparation strategy is simple, efficient, and versatile. Students’ preparation plan must span out throughout the year and encompass the exam day itself. Your child should know when, what, and how to study for exams. Moreover, they must understand how to apply the acquired knowledge efficiently. There are three stages of preparation: preparing a solid study plan, consistent study sessions, and constructive smart-work in the final exams.  

Preparing for Exams: Tips That Help!

Perfect Study Plan

  • Start early with an elaborate study plan and help the child set a goal for the academic year. Put the entire focus on the final examination as soon as school begins. Instil productive study habits, as it’s the first step towards a great academic year.
  • Go through the entire syllabus and allot time to each subject according to students’ affinity and performance in it. For instance, if their maths skills require more practice, log extra time solely for maths preparation.
  • Fix a daily, weekly, and monthly schedule for the student. Keep academic and recreational activities balanced to keep them fit as a fiddle. Schedule their study time without hindering their relaxation time. Make sure they study when they are most alert and can concentrate well.
  • Organise the student’s study room with all the necessary study material and stationery. Make sure the room is clean, comfortable, and distraction-free. Stick the study plan at a prominent place in the room to keep the goal in their eyesight.

Study Efficiently

  • Once the study plan is in place, it’s time to begin with the study sessions. Make sure your child follows the schedule consistently. Allow some breaks in the routine, but don’t let it become a habit.
  • Let the student follow an effective study approach. For instance, avoid cramming as it isn’t beneficial for learning. Instead, make sure the student truly understands the core concepts of all subjects.
  • Prepare an outline for each subject and its topics for quick revision. Instil a habit of highlighting important text, writing notes, clue words, and summaries for each chapter, in the student.
  • Keep the learning sessions active. Instead of passively reading the study material, make sure they grasp the subjects in an engaging manner. For instance, the use of mnemonics or diagrams can help them remember and recall well.
  • Spaced learning is a powerful method of studying for exams. Thus, add intervals between each study session for optimal learning. Also, make sure to alternate subjects each day to sustain interest and increase concentration.
  • Include plenty of revision and practice time in their routine. Use recognition and recall tricks to enhance their memory. Help them connect different topics for deeper understanding and retention.
  • Review previous year exam papers and current model test papers. Get the student familiarised with the pattern of the test. Schedule multiple mock tests to recreate the exam environment. It also helps the student to adapt efficient time management techniques.
  • Schedule study sessions with their friends or a tutor for an interactive learning approach. Discussing ideas and concepts in a group can help them clarify their doubts and practice for the actual exam.

Exam Strategy

Make sure your child is well-slept, well-fed, and relaxed before the exam. Help them reach the destination in time with the required documents and stationery. Formulate a specific strategy for different types of exams across different subjects. For example, open-book exams require the student to quickly find the right answers from the reference material provided. Thus, the best way to study for exams varies according to its specific requirements. Here’s how your child can attempt and tackle all the exam questions in a limited time:

  • Multiple Choice Exams: These questions need the student to connect their knowledge of the subject, discriminate between available options and pick the correct answer. Most alternatives are semantically or theoretically similar to confuse the student. Teach your child to focus on the wording of the question. For instance, focus on the use of double negatives and phrases that use always or never to eliminate the wrong options easily. Guide your child to answer all questions despite their confidence in the answer if there is no penalty for incorrect answers.
  • Written QnA: These questions differ on the basis of the length of the answers. There are two types of written answers- short and essay form. For a short answer, the student needs to succinctly provide the information asked. The answer must be strictly relevant, clear, and concise. For essay form answers, inculcate a habit in the student to plan the basic outline in their head before writing. For instance, prepare a sequence of introduction, conclusion for the answer. The crucial information should be summarised in the beginning and concluded at the end of the answer without repeating the same material. Students should add graphs and diagrams to convey their ideas if allowed.

How to Score the Perfect Grade

  • Proper Learning Methodology Make sure your child studies according to their learning style. If they prefer auditory tools, opt for audiobooks and voice recording for preparation. If the student is a visual learner, make use of illustrations, diagrams, and flowcharts for better understanding and recall. Other techniques such as retrieval practice, spaced learning, mind maps, colour-coded notes etc can be adapted accordingly.
  • Physical and Mental Fitness Make sure your child consumes nutritious food, stays hydrated, and active throughout the year. Being healthy improves students’ cognitive abilities, capacity, and energy levels in the long term. Mental health also plays a significant role in preparation as well as the actual exam time. Thus, maintaining a well-balanced lifestyle is of utmost importance to score well in exams.
  • Guidance and Help Find an expert tutor to help your child prepare to their best abilities. Schedule tutoring sessions throughout the year, especially in holidays, to bring structure to their studying routine. A tutor can help the students build a strong foundation for each subject and learn the curriculum well to excel in the exams. Moreover, they can adapt a befitting style of instruction and clarify any arising doubts of the students.

Once the student figures out how to prepare for exams, their goal grade becomes easily achievable with plenty of practice and revision. Add some consistent efforts and the key to excellence is unlocked. For additional assistance, you can connect with our esteemed tutors to mentor the students. Find the best tutor from our extensive network at Ezy Math Tutoring to ensure your child’s journey to success!