You’ve all listened to your child constantly whining about their homework. There seems to be an endless battle between students and schools around it. The debate of eliminating homework in schools has spanned over decades now. However, the solution might lie in the middle ground. A limited amount of work with an extra helping hand to manage the homework loads effectively. Here are some advantages and disadvantages of homework, as well as strategies to deal with it.
How Does Homework Help?
Before we delve into the question ‘why is homework bad’, here is why it’s essential for students’ growth and development:
- It hones students’ *management and problem-solving skills*.
- It helps students *review class material, revamp class notes, and practice*.
- It makes students *responsible and self-reliant* by promoting self-learning.
- It helps parents get involved in their child’s *academic journey*.
- It provides ample opportunity to *prepare for tests and examinations*.
- It *improves students’ memory* and helps them recall studied material easily.
- It’s an effective instrument for teachers to *measure students’ progress*.
Why Is Too Much Homework Bad?
- Stressed and Overburdened 😰 – More than 50% of students say homework is the biggest stressor in their life. The phenomenon remains universal as students struggle to find time for any activity besides studying. It leaves no room for relaxation or socializing with peers. Moreover, students are left too exhausted to indulge in extracurricular activities such as playing games or exercise. The anxiety and pressure of not being able to complete homework, or not doing it right, deteriorate their mental peace. After a full day at school, any burden of studies at home becomes overkill.
- Health Side Effects 💔 – A stressed child without time to explore life outside books will end up physically and mentally unwell. Lack of balance in life can cause serious health challenges. Research suggests a heavy homework load leads to headaches, sleep deprivation, weight loss, lethargy, and stomach problems. It deprives students of healthy social connections as they are unable to spend quality time with family and friends. Homework becomes quite redundant and counterproductive, with such a negative impact on students’ health.
- Economic Disadvantage 💵 – Each child comes from a different place with vast differences in their economic and social background. Students from lower-income households tend to work after school or have chores around the house. This makes homework a real nuisance in their day and increases their levels of stress. It degrades their performance in contrast to their privileged peers and puts them under unnecessary pressure.
How to Deal With Homework Overload?
Besides urging schools and teachers to reduce the homework to a bare minimum, here are some ways to handle it efficiently:
- Fixed Routine ⏰ – A study plan and a set schedule is the foolproof way to address your child’s homework woes. A sorted timetable for each day of the week, spanning out the whole year, will provide a sense of control to the students. Make sure to keep limiting the minutes of homework and add plenty of breaks into their routine. With homework restricted to a specific place and hours, students can relax and de-stress. A separate time to explore hobbies, hang out with friends, or play outside will also improve their mental and physical health.
- Distraction-Free Space 📚 – Arrange a bright and airy area as your child’s workspace. It could be a separate room, any corner in the house, or a spot in the library. Help them organize their books, notes, writing pad, sticky notes, paper clips, highlighters, and other stationery to be easily accessible. Encourage them to study at the designated place every day. Also, only allow limited use of the internet in their study time. Distraction-free space will act as a great motivator and help them quickly complete their homework.
- Skip Perfection – Oftentimes, students elongate their homework sessions by obsessing over unnecessary details. Trying to perfect homework assignments becomes an overwhelming task that serves no purpose. School students are given work to enhance their self-learning and track their improvement. Thus, there is no need to obsess over making it 100% perfect or beautifying it with meaningless stickers or colored pens. Students should rather aim to complete their excessive homework accurately and as soon as possible.
- Effective Study Strategy 🔍 – A correct way to study can maximize learning and minimize the time spent studying. Guide your child or let a tutor help them refine their method of studying. Students should avoid multitasking or cramming. Instead, they should focus on understanding the concepts and finishing extra assignments timely. A great technique to study is the Pomodoro method. It involves dividing work into small, manageable chunks and adding multiple breaks in study sessions. It increases focus, limits distractions, and boosts memory.
- Organisation and Management Skills 📅 – A simple way to make the studying process easier is to be organized. Students should follow a strict schedule and keep a close check on their time and activities. Once they get a gist of their time, they can easily divide it and use it judiciously. Tracking time will also reveal their study habits and key characteristics. For instance, students can identify their weak spots by the amount of time spent on each subject and modify their routine accordingly. These skills also come in handy as students grow academically and professionally.
- Seek Help – As one advances to a higher grade level, their hours of homework per night increase, and so do their stress levels. The best way to tackle this pressure is to hire a tutor for your child. A tutor can help students finish their homework on time, stay ahead of deadlines, and prepare for exams. Their invaluable feedback can further help the student understand their own skills and strengths. More than that, the additional help ensures that all the gaps in students’ knowledge are tended to. This will lay down a strong academic foundation that can help students excel at school.
While homework can certainly help one in achieving good grades, it comes at a hefty cost to students’ hours of sleep, stress, and well-being. It can adversely affect their mental and physical health. Thus, it makes no sense to burden a student more than they are capable of. The perfect solution lies in the formula of *quality over quantity*. It’s important to minimize the amount of homework and shift the focus on its objective. For an extra helping hand, you can connect with EzyMathTutoring to pave the way to your child’s pathway to academic success. 🌟