Vivian is an exceptional tutor for my 16 year old son. We have worked with her during the school holidays to ensure he fully understands his year 10 math and is well prepared for year 11. She is punctual, polite, my son enjoys working with her and his maths and his confidence with maths has improved a lot. Thanks Vivian.
Alex is a natural teacher. He has a real talent for explaining different maths problems in so many different ways until the student really grasps the concept. He is very patient and encouraging, he really focuses on building confidence in the student. Not a small feat for some one who obviously has such a high level of maths himself.
Jasmine has only spent a few hours with my daughter but I've been very happy with the progress that she has made in that short amount of time.. Jasmine is a great teacher and is building a strong connection with my daughter. I feel very lucky to have found her and I'm looking forward to seeing not only Alice's maths improve but also her attitude to her studies. I can see that Jasmine's subtle influence is going to be very valuable as Alice goes into Year 11. Thank you Jasmine.
Joel is working well with her and has given her Homework which I am very happy about. He’s working step by step according to her individual capacity too.
We have been extremely pleased with John’s progress with Aaron this year. He has been very patient and caring and we appreciate everything he has done with Aaron this year. They really were a great tutor/student combination.
My 10 year old daughter has been working with Zeel this year. She didn't know her times tables at all. After tutoring sessions, she now can write her times tables, and recite most of them. She has developed confidence in her approach to Maths, and her school teachers have noticed a definite improvement. Zeel has been a great fit for Holly, and responds well to her teaching.