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Every student needs help sometimes, and often that help is needed in English. From basics like punctuation, spelling and grammar right up to narrative writing, proof reading and literary analysis. The Australian curriculum is thorough and there are various challenges that pop up for students over the years.
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Every student needs help sometimes, and often that help is needed in English. From basics like punctuation, spelling and grammar right up to narrative writing, proof reading and literary analysis. The Australian curriculum is thorough and there are various challenges that pop up for students over the years. At some point most students could use some help and an English tutor does just that - help! Ideally that help comes before the student has formed a negative cycle or fallen into a no-effort habit.
What we do is facilitate that help as a home service, we'll organise an in-home English tutor in Run-o-Waters, or wherever it is convenient for you.
A local Run-o-Waters English tutor will come to you at a time and day of your chosing and offer tutoring help in a manner tailored for your child's unique situation. The first lesson works as a trial so that if your child doesn't connect well with the tutor, you don't have to pay and we can organise someone else for you.
The terms of service are super simple too. No contracts or minimum hours or cancellation fees or anything like that. You get charged a simple hourly rate. That's it.
Give us a try, it's a risk-free proposal. 1300 975 754