Year 4 Maths Tutoring
What they say about our tutoring
Cassidy has had one session with Scott. Cassidy came home very positive, saying that Scott was great at explaining concepts and that he will benefit from his tutoring support. Cassidy related well with Scott and seemed very impressed by his level of knowledge and by his academic progress at university. In effect, Scott is a great role model for Cassidy. I hope this all continues well.
Thank you for your email. So far so good, Kristopher is very good and Sammi is very happy as she is now starting to understand maths. My husband and I are very pleased. :)
Lauren had her first Tutorial with Caitlin today and Caitlin loved her straight away with confidence built on day one. So far, so good :0)
Ezy maths tutoring was just what we were after for Zena. We tried a couple of other tutoring companies before ezy maths tutoring but one we had to travel to to get there and the other offered us a young and inexperienced tutor, tutoring is more than knowing about the subject it is being able to teach it. Ezy maths tutoring offered us with everything we were looking for, reasonable…
Very happy with John. Would like Jackson to have more lessons with him but can't get Jackson to agree to it as yet! Working on him. May ask John to help out with science and possibly English as well in the future if he has time.
Thank you for touching base. I am really impressed with William's efforts to date. He has very quickly worked out Layla's weaknesses and the areas that need attention. I also believe that his strategy of working slightly ahead of schedule and thus getting her 'in front' in some areas will help with her confidence in class. Layla is also receiving additional Maths support in school and combined with William's efforts,…