Study for maths   Whether we like it or not, we just can’t escape maths, especially in the 21st century. It is not exclusive to scholars and scientists anymore. The importance of mathematics transcends beyond the educational and professional arena. It’s tangible in aspects of life we aren’t even aware of and governs our everyday decisions. From choosing the next phone to buying milk, cooking, driving, or renovating a bathroom, maths is used for it all.  

Maths Changed The World

We understand the world through the lens of Maths. We started applying maths to track seasons and have reached the moon with it. Sumerians were the first to use numbers, 8000 years ago. And thus a society based on Maths came into existence. We constructed ancient marvels and established trade and business through it. We gained insights into the earth, its forces as well as the universe with Maths. We can predict earthquakes, connect to the whole world and go to Mars with this subject. Each innovation and technology that represents the modern world is built on the foundation of maths.  

Why Is Maths So Important in Life

  • Individual Development Being proficient in maths is directly proportional to advanced cognitive skills. Efficient maths teaching and consistent practice can strengthen brain functions such as: Logical Reasoning: Maths enhances the critical and analytical thinking of an individual. We solve mathematical questions with deep analysis, collection, differentiation and combination of data. This process prepares our brain to function logically in the real world as well. We learn to ascertain connections, cause and effect relations, recognize patterns, and derive conclusions. It helps us analyse different scenarios and make the right call. Problem Solving: With a sense of logic and tools of critical thinking, maths further improves problem-solving skills. Solving equations and word problems make us patient and deft while facing life issues. Maths makes people look for solutions with a critical yet creative eye. It helps them weigh the evidence with practicality instead of emotion. Thus, in essence, it makes people proficient problem-solvers. Planning: Maths employ intricate processes to find the correct answer. There is a set order of operation that must be applied for each question. Missing a single step in a sequence can disrupt the whole equation and calculations. Thus, mathematics develops planning and sequential processing in students. They learn to think ahead of a situation and work in a predetermined pattern. Practice and repeated maths exams increase the efficiency of their actions in life as well. Attention & Memory: Maths augment selective attention and working memory capacity in people. Attending minute details is a skill of utmost importance in Maths. One cannot expect accuracy if a single decimal is displaced. Similarly, remembering each digit, formula and sequence to follow involves working memory. Thus, repetitive maths practice enriches our everyday life with enhanced attention and memory. Visual-Spatial Intelligence: As the complexity of maths increases, the use of visualization and spatial processes rise. Geometrical applications stress our imagination and visual abilities. Maths boost our capacity to transform and understand concepts visually. It improves our pace in solving maths problems mentally, rather than manually.
  • Life-skills Maths is used in the most mundane day-to-day tasks, far outside the maths class. We are habitual to apply its principles and concepts without deliberate effort. When we cook, the required amount of ingredients is calculated through basic maths processes such as multiplication or addition. When we buy our favourite brand on sale, we use percentages to determine the discounted price. We apply geometrical theories such as grids, shapes, proportion, symmetry or measurement in art & craft, sculpting, or sewing. We use speed, time, and distance to plan a road trip for the holidays. In addition, mathematical processes hone our reasoning abilities that enhance our daily life skills.
  • Career & Finances We assume Maths is confined to scientific labs and heavily-spectacled mathematicians or statisticians. However, that misconception is far from true. Each job and business requires a varied amount of maths skills. Engineers and data scientists use it excessively, so does the cashier at McDonald’s. Beyond economy and accountancy, technology, design and architectural jobs also need maths. Pilots, medical professionals, cryptographers use it as well, irrespective of the stark contrast in their professions. Moreover, if maths isn’t used in core operations at the job, it’s needed to manage finances. Maths tools regulate income and expenses. Also, maths acumen is required to accrue savings and build investments. Thus, one must upgrade their maths skills for the sake of financial security, regardless of their professional inclination.
  • Technology Maths, especially binary maths, is the heart and soul of technology. Computation and automation processes are based on mathematical concepts. It is the bedrock of our modern world. It facilitates telecommunication, transport, construction, banking, internet, entertainment, graphics, and medical developments. Humans applied maths to navigate satellites, analyse data, invent robotics and artificial intelligence. It helps in predicting weathers, epidemics, population dynamics, glacial meltdown, and ocean decline. From carbon dating to crime detection, maths is present in each fraction of advanced technology. The world is dynamic and innovative, hence the need for maths is imperative. A question like “why is maths important?” seems self-explanatory in itself.

How to Study for Maths

Here’s how you can use Ezy Math resources to master the subject-
  • It’s crucial to realise “why is maths important for children?”. Even if the child aims for a non-maths career, they will find the subject in some essence of their job or life.
  • Children learn maths differently and each student needs a competent teacher. Go through the Ezy Maths database to find the best tutor according to your child’s class and specific needs.
  • Practice is the core component of maths learning. It solidifies the grasp on different topics and hones student’s maths skills. Use worksheets and worksheet generator for plenty of practice material.
  • Since maths is cumulative, it’s highly beneficial to comprehend all the concepts in depth. Go through the weak topics and rehearse them through the Ezy Maths blog.
  • Often, young children in primary school find maths boring. Thus, they lose interest in the subject and their selective attention goes down. Using practical questions, real-life examples and tweaking the curriculum can engross them again.
  • Make use of creative tools to solve maths problems effectively, such as mental maths and visualization tools.
  The advantages of excelling at maths are innumerable. Understanding of maths principles instils a plethora of skills in students. One can launch new technology or discover a new planet with a solid base in the subject. It’s high time to target your child’s efforts to master Maths.