Private maths tutors that come to you in person or online
1300 312 354


Jane, 5th November 2016


Thank you very much for your assistance.  I have found your company to be extremely professional.  Rory has been of great assistance to Cordelia and we are very appreciative of his help.

Peggy, 3rd November 2016


The tutoring is going great! Brody really enjoys his time with Daryl and his grade has improved greatly. He got an A on his assessment today and the last time he spoke with his teacher his grade had increased from a D to a C.

Fiona, 2nd November 2016


Bailey is really happy with Jackie, and so are we, he enjoys their sessions and I can see he is understanding much better.  Jackie is very courteous and punctual.

Margaret, 2nd November 2016


Carl has enjoyed working with both his tutors this year and is well prepared for his VCE math methods exams. Having a personal tutor, even for a student like Carl who is already achieving excellent academic results, has helped relieve some of the stress of VCE and enabled ..

Catherine, 1st November 2016


Miah seems to be responding well to her tutoring sessions with Alex. She is feeling less conscious about her problems with maths - which is great.

Alida, 1st November 2016


Alex, he helped Matt enormously. Not only the actual helping him understand how to tackle some questions but I feel Matt gained confidence going into the exams feeling like there were now no areas he had a poor knowledge of . He was particularly happy with his 2nd ..

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