Every generation of students has often wondered why they had to be subjected to the excruciating torture in school that is maths. A lot of the concepts taught in class were not seen as useful in real life. Children were made to solve problems in maths without them actually seeing the application of these in real-world situations. Hence, they were not motivated to learn maths. Everyday maths in school just seems like an ordeal. When students do not enjoy learning a subject, they do not retain the knowledge they have been presented with. In turn, these students will appear to be bad at maths, when in fact, they are not. They just have zero drive to really understand and remember the topics in their maths classes. Fortunately, educators nowadays are becoming more creative in finding ways to make maths learning fun and functional. The latest trend that is popular among teachers is the use of coding to teach maths concepts and skills. This is because maths and coding work hand in hand with each other. So, if they work together, does coding require maths?  

 Coding and Maths Relationship

Does coding involve maths? Yes, but not much. The person simply writes the code, and the computer does the maths computations. A great aspect of learning to code is that the students do not need a strong background in maths. So, even children at a very young age can learn computer programming. Some schools offer classes in coding for children as young as 7 years old. When children learn to code, they also acquire the same skills and logic that are used in solving maths problems. The students apply the same methods in problem-solving when finishing a string of code because there is maths in coding. That is why children who learn to code get good at maths.  

Use Coding as a Way to Model Mathematics

What makes coding different from just doing maths drills is that it is more tangible. It actually provides a way to visualise maths concepts and organise tons of data. For example, when learning about groupsets, children are taught Venn diagrams. When children learn this concept while coding, they have to analyse the different and similar characteristics of the groups and understand them so that they can write the code. When done correctly, this program will then be able to sort any input into the appropriate part of the diagrams. Coding maths problems gives them a deeper understanding of the concepts and how they reflect in the visuals that their program produces.  

Build Abstract Reasoning with Coding

Coding is centred on logic and abstract reasoning. When something is logical, it means the elements are in the correct sequence. In coding, it is the correct string of commands that lets a program run. If even a single minute element is incorrect, the program will not function. And so, children learn to be logical and practice their abstract reasoning every time they code to make sure everything is in the correct order. Thus, we can conclude that coding enhances a child’s logical thinking.  

Use Coding to Develop Problem-Solving Skills

Coding is also all about solving problems. Programs are dependent on analysing input to produce an action. These are represented in coding using the “If-Then” statements. When presented with a problem in the “if” statement, the child has to write a solution using the “then” statement that the program will execute during instances of the “if” statement. In the example of programming a robot, the code should tell the machine what to do for every situation. If the robot encounters a wall, it can then either turn left, right or circle back. When children write these commands, they have to think up solutions for every circumstance and also think ahead of whatever possible problems may arise and what the robot should do in those cases. If they fail to do this, the robot can malfunction. So, it is indeed true that coding develops a child’s problem-solving skills.  

Coding and Attention to Precision

When kids write computer code, it is to make something specific happen. For example, in a Computer Science class, students create robots that can get out of a maze on their own. The children write strings of code that the robot uses to assess and decide what to do to eventually clear the maze. They need to make a robot that is capable of machine learning. For every pass it makes in the maze, it should be able to learn from the wrong turns and longer routes that it took. Until finally, it will calculate the shortest path to get to the finish line. This type of coding requires so much attention to detail to make it work. If just one line of code is wrong, the whole program will fail. The children learn the valuable skill of being attentive to the smallest of details by practising it each time they code. They are also intrinsically motivated to finish the project so that their robot can clear the maze. Being motivated to learn on their own is a very important part of their continuous development and progress.  

In Conclusion

Studying maths is not just about memorising equations; it’s about acquiring the skills to solve problems. Students are often discouraged when faced with tons of equations, rules, and axioms to remember, so they never get to learn the precious skills they should have got while doing maths. Thinking logically, using problem-solving methods, being attentive to details, and being persistent in finding a solution are just some of the essential skills that children need to learn. Studying either maths or coding lets them acquire these skills. Since kids are already turned off by traditional maths, a lot of educators teach coding and programming languages to children to improve their maths skills. Another excellent way to advance your child’s performance in maths is to get them a specialised maths tutor service. Similar to what coding does for children, the tutors teach the students valuable skills and learning strategies to succeed. Even with just an hour or two of one-on-one sessions each week, you will see a marked increase in your child’s performance in class.