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About Education and Learning

How to Write Effective Maths Notes?

2022-11-30T01:20:59+11:00Posted in About Education and Learning, Coaching, Mentoring & Reflection, Concentration & Focus, Primary School Learning, Structuring Lessons, Student Advice

When we read or learn something new, our brain tends to forget 75% of it within a couple of days. As evident, we are terrible at remembering things, and thus the need of writing notes arises. Maintaining notes for a subject enhances and solidifies our learning of it. ..

Australian School Holidays and Term Dates 2021–2022

2022-11-02T22:53:09+11:00Posted in About Education and Learning, Organizing Lessons, Parent Advice, Primary School Learning, Senior & High School Learning, Student Advice

As the world opens up after the torrid lockdowns and COVID-19 havoc, aren’t we all itching for a getaway? Especially, since students are back inside the school’s safety and schedule. Once again family trips are exclusive to the long summer vacation or week-long winter vacation. We can help ..

Why tutors love tutoring with us

2022-10-31T20:00:33+11:00Posted in About Education and Learning, All Categories, Coaching, Mentoring & Reflection, Motivation & Interest, Relationships: Parent, Student &Tutor, Starting Tutoring

It's a well-known fact that tutoring is an engaging, lucrative and rewarding job. Even though the popularity of the profession is at its peak, it’s still a challenge to establish yourself in it. One needs to check a long list of requisites to begin tutoring. For instance, ..

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